Iowa Old Press

Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co., Iowa
July 19, 1922

Miss Catherine Schleicher, whose death was briefly recorded in the Press-Citizen last evening, will be laid to rest tomorrow in St. Joseph's cemetery. The services will be conducted at 9 o'clock, at St. Mary's church, of which she was a devoted member. Miss Schleicher was 80 years of age, on June 21st, having been born on that day, in 1842, in Germany. Death came suddenly Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, after a brief illness, as she was stricken with paralysis, on Sunday night, July 16th. She was the daughter of Michael Schleicher, a civil war veteran, and Margaret Schleicher. During the last 41 years, she has made her home with Mr. August Schindhelm, where she passed away. No immediate relatives survive, as her only sister, a member of the Sisters of Charity (Sister Mary William) passed away at the convent home in Dubuque, about 30 years ago; and her half-sister, Mrs. August Schindhelm, died in Iowa City, on January 30, 1921. Miss Schliecher was a good woman of deeply religious nature, and the friends of her younger days, the pioneers of the present, will mourn her death long and deeply.

[transcribed by C.J.L., November 2004]

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