Iowa Old Press

Daily Iowa State Press
Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa
July 11, 1903

Commenting on the recent troubles under the mulct law in Clinton, a republican paper complains that the mulct law has never been enforced in the "river towns." Over the door of the pavilion of the biggest saloon music hall in Dubuque is the sign in big gilt letters: "Headquarters of the _th Ward Republican Club." Perhaps that will give some indication of why the law is not enforced.

[transcribed by C.J.L. June 2004]


Daily Iowa State Press
Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa
July 15, 1903

Was Fined for Deserting Wife After an Enforced Marriage.
Des Moines, July 13- An appeal was filed in the supreme court Friday which will bring to a test one of the laws of the state which have not been put to great use. The case is that of the state against Harry Wagner, indicted in Van Buren county for desertion of his wife. Under the new law of the state it is made a crime to desert a wife where there has been a marriage to escape prosecution on some charge. In this case the marriage had been forced and soon thereafter Wagner went to Montana and deserted his bride. He was convicted and sentenced to nine months in jail and to pay $300 fine, the sentence being imposed by Judge Vermillion. He has appealed and will test the law on the claim that it is a discrimination and illegal.

James Carroll of Marshalltown Desperate Over Drink Habit.
Marshalltown, July 15- James Carroll, a cooper, committed suicide Monday by drinking laudanum. He was fifty years of age and leaves a wife and eight children. Mrs. Carroll stated that he had threatened to kill himself, because he could not resist the temptation to drink. On Sunday he had acted queer and she his his razors to prevent his using them.

Struck by Barn Door in a Severe Wind Storm.
Sigourney, July 15- William Dulin, a farmer living near this place, was fatally injured by being struck by a flying barn door during a severe wind storm. His skull was crushed.

[transcribed by C.J.L.; Feb. 2004]


Daily Iowa State Press
Iowa City, Johnson County
Tuesday, July 28, 1903

Local News Items.

Horace H. Holloway, a young brakeman employed on the Rock Island road was killed by falling from the train and being run over at Cedar Falls, on Sunday evening. One leg was cut off and the other terribly mangled. He did not recover consciousness after the accident and died within a few hours. He had for some years been a fireman on the road and suffered a sprained ankle. On recovery he took as a brakeman and it was on his second trip in this capacity that he was killed. He was 23 years old and unmarried. Mr. Holloway was born and raised at Morse, in this county, where his family is well known and highly esteemed. One of his brothers is a conductor on the road and another a brakeman. A third brother, a brakeman, was killed by accident at Maple Lake, Minn., in January last.

[transcribed by anonymous; May 2008]


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