Iowa Old Press

The Iowa Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa
Monday, April 13, 1903

Giving Consent to Michael O’Reiley’s Saloon on Clinton Street
At the meeting of the city council last Friday evening, the city council rescinding the former resolution of consent to M. O’Reilly to run a saloon. The action of the council was based upon the refusal of W. P. Coast to sign consent for property within fifty feet of the saloon and owned by him. The property in question is the store building in which was formerly located the Thomas Metcalf dry goods store.
Prior to Mr. Coast’s ownership of the property the owner was a non-resident of Iowa City and as such it was not necessary to secure consent. Mr. Coast’s ownership, however, changed matters. While he refused to sign he was not dispose to be arbitrary. However, when it came before the city council in the form of a resolution there was nothing the council could do but adopt it and rescind the former resolution. The vote stood as follows:
Ayes—Hanley, Lindsey, Moon, Miller, Schindhelm, Stonffer, Weber, 7.
Nays—Galoucher, Yavorsky, Fautz, 3.
A statement was made Saturday to the effect that there would be no action looking to the closing of Mr. O’Reiley’s place of business for the present, giving him more time in which to dispose of stock on hand. This, again, was denied so that it is hard to tell just what action will be taken.
Late this afternoon it was given out that Mr. Coast would sign 90 day consent to permit closing out the business.

The Grim Reaper Gathers in Many of the Oldest Pioneers Of the City and County
Were All Well Known and Beloved by Many of the Residents of Our City
The grim reaper made many visits to the homes in Iowa City, during the last 50 hours. Four of the oldest citizens of the city and county were marked with the sign of death as a result of his visit.

John Yager Dead
John Yager died, at his home on South Dubuque Street last Saturday evening after an illness of a few weeks. The cause of death is given as Bright’s disease. The deceased has been a resident of this county all of his life and a resident of this city for many years. A wife and two children are let to mourn the loss of a good father and husband. The funeral will be held from the house at 1:30 and from the German Lutheran Church at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon.

John Strittmatter
At his home just north of the city John Strittmatter passed away at noon last Saturday. He had been ill for some time with cancer of the stomach. The deceased was 60 years old and had been a resident of this city for a number of years. Three brothers and two sisters are left to mourn the loss of a good life. The funeral was held from his late residence this afternoon at 2 o’clock and interment in the Catholic Cemetery.

Mrs. Anna Shedivec
Mrs. Anna Shedivec, wife of Joseph Shedivec, died at the family residence north of the Butler Bridge, last evening at 7 o’clock. The deceased had been ill only a short time but on account of her age her last sickness proved fatal. The deceased was 70 years old and had lived in this city for nearly 30 years. Her sons and daughters are all residence of this city. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock from Saint Wenceslaus Church and interment will take place in the Catholic Cemetery.

Mrs. Frances Sweney
Mrs. Frances Kerr Sweney died at her home on Brown Street this morning at 8 o’clock. The deceased was 80 years old and had been a resident of the city for 39 years. Two sons and three daughters are left to mourn the loss of an aged mother, whose life and example has been their guide for so many years. The funeral will be held from the home on Wednesday at 1 o’clock. The interment will be in the Oakland Cemetery.

[transcribed by J.M.P., August 2008]

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