Iowa Old Press

Daily Iowa State Press
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
April 15, 1901

Suicide at DeWitt
Clinton, April 15 - Clifford Saddoris, living two miles east of DeWitt, committed suicide Thursday night by shooting. He was found Fridaymorning with all the clothes burned from his body and a shotgun wound in his breast. The gun by his side had a string fastened to the trigger and to his foot. The flash evidently set fire to his clothing. No cause is assigned. He went to bed Thursday night in usual good health and must have gotten up during the night. He was a farmer aged 41.

J.H. Windrem of Oxford Takes charge of the Undertaking Parlors
J.H. Windrem of Oxford has purchased the business and stock of the late Captain A.B. Cree, and will conduct the undertaking parlors which have been for so many years conducted so successfully by Capt. Cree. Mr. Windrem has been in the furniture and undertaking business in Oxford for about twenty years, and is a man of experience and ability in his profession. He will undoubtedly prove a worthy successor to Captain Cree and can be relied upon to conduct a strictly first class business. P.D. Werts for so many years in the photograph business in this city, will be connected with the establishment and will have special charge of the picture-framing department. He is also an experienced hand at this business and will make a first class manager.

Shoofly Ripples.
-Grandma Stong has been quite sick with gripp.
-Sherm Stong will soon move on his farm he bought across the river of Mr. Fox. charley Neal will then move into Sherm's house here in Shoofly.
-Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Eden april 1st, 1901 and took from them their 4 year old son, Wilbur who died of measles. The funeral services were held at the home Tueday afternoon conducted by Rev. Pugh of Lone Tree and the remains were buried in the Swank cemetery.

Sigourney Woman Dies
Mrs. Pauline Cocayne passed away at the house of Joseph O'Mars north of the city Saturday. The deceased lived in Sigourney and was 26 years old. She had been visiting in the city for about ten days. She leaves a father August Polke, four brothers and two sisters. The remains were sent to Sigourney for interment this morning.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2007]

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