Iowa Old Press

Daily Iowa State Press
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Monday, February 5, 1900

Noted Evangelist Dead.
Ottumwa, Ia., Feb 5 -- Rev. Booker Fox, one of the most noted negro evangelists the west has known, passed away at his home in this city Sunday morning, aged 104 years. He was born in Nashville, Tenn., in 1796.

Local News.
-Mr. Wm. Garver of Sharon Center, is an Iowa City visitor today.
-Attorney General Remley, spent Sunday at his home in this city.
-Mr. E. Coover, of Iowa City is the guest of relatives in this city - Davenport Leader.
-Mr. N.R. Parvin, deputy grand secretary of the Masonic grand lodge, was in town yesterday, the guest of his sister, Mr. J. Walter Lee.
-The Springdale correspondent of the Tipton Advertiser says Henry Negus has rented his large farm and will move his family to Iowa City, where he will enter the University and take a law course.
-Mrs. Annie Wittenmeyer *, whose noble work among the union soldiers in field and hospital, during the civil war will never be forgotten, died on Friday at her home in Pettstown, Penna, aged 72 years.
-Mrs. Mary A. Riley and Mrs. Lydia Wilson, both of Sioux City, arrived Saturday to attend the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. Andrew Jennings, which took place from St. Mary's church this morning.
-Will Hill of West Liberty, a son of the old-time landlord of the "Five-mile House" on the Dubuque road, is in town visiting Wm. Gardner and other friends of his boyhood.

Mrs. Mary Einig died Saturday night at the family residence on Iowa avenue, opposite the postoffice, of consumption. She was born in Baden, Germany, and was 51 years, 5 months and 12 days old. Her father, George Pohler, settled at Newport in 1852, and she has lived in Iowa City 21 years. She was married April 24, 1864, to Michael Einig, who with three daughters and two sons survive. The eldest is Mrs. Theresa Goss of this city. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 9:30 a.m., from St. Mary's church.

A Sudden Death
On Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Carr and Mr. Carr's sister, Mrs. Freelove McLaughlin, who were returning home from Riverside, found by the roadside, near the Black Strap school house, three miles south of the city, the dead body of John Frantz. From all indications death had resulted from an accident caused by a runaway horse and the deceased was badly injured about the head and face, the throat being cut from ear to ear, but in a manner which indicated that he had been dragged across a wire or some sharp substance. Mr. Carr while driving along the road met a driverless horse abut a mile further south and when reaching the spot saw an object by the roadside. In vestigation proved the object to be a dead body, and rushing to the Bradley home help was called, who took the body in charge while Mr. Carr summoned the coroner. The body was brought to the city late Saturday evening and prepared for burial. When the coroner took charge of the body and made his investigation he found that it bore evidence of having been dragged for some distance over the rough roads. The coat and vest of the victim were in a bunch under his arms, the head was thrown backward and many bruises indicating a severe bumping.

A gold watch which Mr. Frantz purchased Saturday afternoon, intended for a young lady who was soon to become his bride, was missing, having been torn frm the chain and probably lost somewhere along the road. The watch was found today about sixty feet from where Frantz lay.

Frantz is a son of Peter Frantz and lived with his father near Hill's Siding. He was about 35 years of age and of late had been driving a fractious horse, of which he was particularly fond, and which has run away several times. He was urged repeatedly not to drive the animal, but paid no attention to the advice of his friends and family. He left home Friday morning and had been in the city for two days, leaving here early in the evening for a visit with the young lady whom he was soon to marry. The funeral took place from the family residence this afternoon.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2007]

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