Iowa Old Press

Daily Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
February 25, 1893

The local editor of the Cedar Rapids Gazette has been arrested for libel for roasting the performance of the Cherry Sisters Opera Co. He has been released on bail. Now the Gazette makes the following suggestion: "We would, however, offer this suggestion: Let the trial be held in the opera house and a fee charged. It would make the richest entertainment of the season. The sisters could sing and dance and Fred is no poor timber in that line himself. The jury could join in the chorus and with the attorneys as end men, there would be no lack of fun." The suggestion is a good one. The Citizen will have a reporter at the trial if the suggestion is carried out. If a newspaper has to speak in flattering terms of every "snide" troupe that comes along or else be arrested for libel, the reporters should know it.
-Jay C. Fry was the prize winner in the writing contest at the Iowa City Commercial College.
-Rev. Perkins has rented "Bud" Emmons' house on College street and will occupy it in the near future.
-Mrs. James Evans, of Lone Tree, is visiting with Mrs. S.L. Siverly and taking treatment of Dr. Newberry.
-E.J. Robinson left Friday evening for New York, where he will spend two weeks buying goods for the spring trade.
-Harry Toogood has been entertaining his siter, Miss Jennie Toogood, of Manchester, for a few days. She expects to return home today.
-Dr. Egge will speak on "Londay" at the Congregational church Tuesday evening. A large number of steropticon views will be used to illustrate the lecture.

An exchange says: Don't throw away your old rubber boots and shoes. Save them for the agents of the chewing gum factories, who buy them from all parts of the country. Pulverized rubber boots and overshoes, flavored with vanilla, strawberry and other fashionable extra cts make a very opular chewing gum.

Whittier Programme. The Whitter Literary Society rendered the following excellent programme in the assembly room Friday evening:
Story of the Letter Washed up by the Tide - Maggie Heath
Reading - Lester Booth
Instrumental solo - Mr. Beech
Current Events - Eugene Cochran
Declamation - Maggie Consin
Essay - Minerva Lowman
Story - Nellie Lutz
Essay - Della Maresh
Quotations - Mattie Brown
Violin solo - Bert Barborka
Declamation - Mabel Foster
Piano duet - Misses Wood and Prather
Essay - Cora Jackson
Piano solo - Miss Horne

The Democrats of Oxford have nominated the following candidates for city officers:
For mayor - A.J. Darner
For councilmen - M. Ackerman & T. Ford
For recorder - C. Guenzenhauser
For assessor - M. McDonough

And the Republicans present the following:
For Mayor - Jas. Windrem
For trustees - F.M. Barnes & F.M. Ridings
For recorder - Chas. Hilborn
For assessor - Geo. W. Sies.

[transcribed by S.F., April & May 2004]

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