Iowa Old Press

The Iowa Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Friday, December 12,1891
page 11, column 1-2

Rev. and Mrs. Osborne returned to their home in Williamsburgh after ably assisting Rev. Buriff about a week in his meetings. Rev. Osborne is a young man of pleasing manner, and ability of an unusually high order. Those who failed to hear him missed a great deal.

[transcribed by S.W., April 2007]


The Iowa Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa
Friday, December 18, 1891
page 4, column 1

The thriving town of Williamsburg was visited by a fire upon Thursday of last week. A number of frame buildings were destroyed, the loss amounting to about $10,000, probably two-thirds of which will be made good by insurance. One man slipped and fell from the roof of a two story building, striking on his head and shoulder, sustaining but little injury. While this fire seems to have been quite a blow to the town, undoubtedly it will ultimately prove a benefit, as better and more substantial buildings will be erected in their stead.

[transcribed by S.W., April 2007]


The Iowa Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa
Friday, December 25, 1891
page 9, column 1-2

Iowa county has had a veritable town meeting. It called into its august presence the Board of Supervisors and catechized them in regard to the manner they were discharging their duties in reference to the bridge building. The County Farmers' Alliance called the meeting at Williamsburgh. The members of the Board of Supervisors were present. A public hearing was had. They were asked to explain why they did not let the contract for building bridges to the lowest responsible bidder, etc., etc. Jayne & Son, of this city, were present. Roller & Co., the firm which has been building bridges for the county, were also present. After hearing all parties, the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved--That after hearing the views of Jayne & Son, Roller & Co. and the Board of Supervisors on the Iowa county bridge question, we favor, in the future, the publication of the letting of the contract for building our bridges yearly, in order that we may obtain the very best work for the least money.
We view with disfavor the former action of the Board of Supervisors in regard to the matter, and consider their explanation of their action unsatisfactory.
Published by order of County Alliance.
N. D. ELY, Secretary.

This appears to be a point scored for Jayne & Son, who have complained that the letting of the bridge contracts was privately done and no opportunity was afforded for competition. but in regard to the merits of the controversy we have examined it sufficiently to speak. It is the novelty of the affair to which we wish to call attention. It is a capital idea--summoning the public servants before the people who chose them and obtain an account of their stewardship. We like it. In England and most of the European countries questions can be put to the ministers of the government in the Parliaments, courts or Reichstadt, but in America we have nothing like it except the "town meeting." If there were more of such meetings it would be better for the people, and the public officers who spend the people's money, if frequently brought face to face with the people who elect them and whose money is spent, would feel their personal responsibility to a greater degree. It would be more fun than a dozen circuses to see the Johnson county Board of Supervisors appear before such a town meeting and submit to an examination as to the manner in which they have discharged their duties. Let thee be more of such meetings. The Iowa county Farmers' Alliance is on the right track.

[transcribed by S.W., April 2007]

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