Iowa Old Press


The Fairfield Daily Ledger
Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa
October 2, 1939


General News & Locals may be PHONED to No. 78

--Mrs. H.A. Gabbert and son, Dean, have moved into an apartment at 201 E.

--Miss Leora Connell of Davenport is visiting this week with her two
daughters, Mrs. Fred Bates and Mrs. Earl Carter.

--Mr. and Mrs. Willis Musgrove of Ottumwa spent yesterday as guest of Mrs.
A.C. Turner, 207 West Jefferson St.

--Dr. and Mrs. J.N. Crow and son, Bill, 601 South Main Street spent Sunday
in Creston as guests of Dr. Crow's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles

--Will Bush of near Parsonville has returned to his home after having been
in Excelsior Springs for the past three weeks taking treatments for

--John Rice of Gibson, a former Jefferson county resident, arrived yesterday
to visit this week with his son, Willard Rice, 703 West Washington Street.

--Mrs. Nelle James of Peoria, Ill., is a houseguest in the Mark Hoskins
home, 412 W. Burlington St. and will remain over the Centennial holidays.

--W.C. Garrett, 308 W. Jefferson Street, was called to Macomb, Ill., on
Saturday morning by the serious illness of his brother-in-law, J.E. Heap,
who suffered a stroke on Friday.

--Robert Heston, coach at the Sumner high school, spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Heston, 700 West Hempstead Street and with other
relatives and friends.

--Mrs. Jack Culbertson, who before her marriage on August 12 was Buena
Overholser, has left for Des Moines to join her husband, who is employed in
the trucking business in that city.

--Mrs. John O. Samuelson, who has been visiting for the past few months with
her daughter in Omaha, Neb., has arrived for an extended visit with her son,
Vern S. Samuelson and Mrs. Samuelson, 409 E. Adams St.

--Miss Anne Lindauer, 202 West Washington St. instructor of history and
literature in the Fairfield high school, has taken up her duties this
morning after having undergone an emergency appendectomy a month or so ago.

--Word has been received in Fairfield that Mrs. Kenneth Bridenstine of Des
Moines underwent an emergency appendectomy at a Des Moines hospital on
Saturday morning. Mrs. Bridenstine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O.
Lesher, 107 West Grimes Street, left for Des Moines on Saturday.

--Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mosbaugh and Mrs. Raymond
Cook have returned from a five day motor trip to Council Bluffs where they
visited Mrs. Nichol's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Jaquier and
other relatives and friends in Omaha, Neb.

--Mr. and Mrs. Gus Unkrich, 806 South Fifth St., spent Sunday as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. M.L. King, Ottumwa. Mr. King is a jeweler there.

--Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kennedy of Des Moines visited yesterday with the
former's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kennedy, and with other
relatives and friends. The Louis Kennedys were residents of this city at one

--Supt. and Mrs. C.J. Madden of Johnston spent the weekend with Mrs.
Madden's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Potts, 906 S. Seventh St. The Maddens
came especially to look at the Centennial displays in the various windows
about the square.

--Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haney and two daughters of Mt. Pleasant were guests of
relatives over the weekend.

--Miss Dorothy Rukgaber of Mt. Pleasant spent the weekend with her friend,
Miss Beverly Jane Smith, 103 South Fifth Street.

--Mrs. Robert Ritchey of Forest Grove, Oregon, spent Wednesday in the home
of Mrs. James Stucker.

--Miss Laura Crist of Troy is a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.D. Van
Fi_et, 600 East Lowe Street.

--Miss Edna Pattison, who has a teaching position near Washington, was a
guest in the home of her father, H.C. Pattison, on Sunday.

--Mrs. Emma Ringelspach and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ringelspach, northeast of the
city, attended the Centennial religious service held at the Chautauqua Park
Sunday afternoon.

--Mrs. Gust P. Anderson, 662 West Adams Street, who has been quite ill at
her home for the past two weeks, is slowly improving.


Mr. and Mrs. William Stuckey entertained at 6:00 o'clock dinner at their
home 902 E. Burlington St. last evening, the affair being arranged as a
courtesy for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.T. Stuckey, who celebrated their
23rd wedding anniversary yesterday. Mrs. Stuckey's mother, Mrs. W.S. Follen,
whose birthday is Oct. 4, was also an honored guest.

The guests came in costumes of other years. Mrs. T.T. Stuckey wore her
wedding dress and looked lovely. Mrs. Follen wore a costume of her mother's,
the late Mrs. Eck, the bonnet being especially lovely and becoming.

The guests were the parents of Mr. and Mrs. William Stuckey, Mr. and Mrs.
W.S. Follen and daughter, Donna, Mr. and Mrs. T.T. Stuckey and the three
daughters Ruth, Joyce, Martha Jane and small son, Dannie Jo.

The table had as center decoration a large cake decorated in white and
lighted candles and Martha Jane had the privilege of blowing them out.


Mrs. L.W. Van Nostrand and son George spent yesterday afternoon in Keokuk as
guests of the former's daughter, Miss Hannah Van Nostrand, and attended the
50th anniversary of P.E.O. chapter "U."

The anniversary ceremonies were held in the Lutheran Evangelical church with
Mrs. Reeves of Chicago giving the main address. A large reception in the
YWCA followed.

Others from Fairfield who attended were Mrs. Charles Rains and Mrs. Harry O.


Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gobble and daughter, Marcia, of Jefferson arrived on
Saturday to be guests in the R. Bruce Gobble home, 704 South Main St., and
with other relatives and friends during the Centennial holidays.



~Transcribed and submitted by L.Z., June 2009

Iowa Old Press
Jefferson County