Iowa Old Press
- Miss Kathryn Kilgore has gone to
- Charles Schiebers closing out dairy sale was attended largely and all the
cattle sold well.
- Mrs. Clarence Peterson and son Darrell of near Lockridge spent Wednesday with
her mother Mrs. A.E. Quick.
- A.H. Diers hulled clover for Arthur Hoestettler, Edward Quick and Otto
Hildebrand in this vicinity last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bower and daughter Opal spent Sunday
- Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Litton entertained a number of relatives at their home
Sunday in honor of Mr. Tom Lemmow, who has been visiting relatives in this
community. Mr. Lemmow is a brother-in-law of Charles Barton.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Elliott left Wednesday morning for New Hampton, where
they will visit at the home of the latter’s brother, Ray Meyers, and they
expect to be at
- Miss Addie Crane who has been visiting in this community returned to her home
- E.B. Litton made a business trip to Burlington Monday and from there went to
Fairfield as he is one of the grand jurors.
- J.L. Bower had the misfortune to get struck by a car Saturday night near the
Tom Litton home. He was riding a horse, and a car driven by Delbert Hudson
struck the horse and knocked it down. The horse had a few scratches and John was
bruised up. He had to go on crutches a few days, but he is able to be out again.
- Fred McElwee was hulling clover at the James Blucher home Tuesday, which some
of it yielded two bushels to the acre.
- Mrs. Susie Wilson was at the Tom Litton home Tuesday getting grapes.
- A surprise was given Mrs. Mary Helfenstein at her home in Lockridge Sunday,
when a number of relatives with well filled baskets gathered to spend the day
with her as it was her thirtieth birthday. At the noon hour a bountiful dinner
was served cafeteria style which all enjoyed. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
John McElwee and son of
- A surprise was planned and carried out last Friday on Mrs. Lizzie Chezum and
Miss Addie Crane who planned to spend the day at the Ralph Crane home. As Addie
couldn’t get around to visit all, they invited quite a few of her old friends
and neighbors to spend the say with them. Those present were: Mrs. Bell and
Lucille Blucher and children, Mrs. Mattie Litton, Mrs. Mary Heldrebran, Mrs.
Fred McElwee, Mrs. Chester Elliott, Mrs. N.O. Elliott, Mrs. Ella Barton, Mrs.
Goldie Frazier, Mrs. Kate Edwards, Mrs. Wlise and Lela Crane, Mrs. J.C. Frame,
Misses Mary and Sadie Frame, Mrs. Axel Anderson. They took with them a dish and
sandwiches and at the noon hour a bountiful dinner was served cafeteria style
which all enjoyed. The afternoon was spent visiting and singing several hymns. A
number of readings were given by different ones. All departed for their homes
feeling the day had been well spent together.
- Miss Mabel Litton attended the teachers meeting in Keosauqua Saturday and her
parents accompanied her as far as the Paul Rhuby home, and spent the day.
- Mrs. Ella Barton and daughter, Mrs. Jane Elliott and Mrs. Susie McWilliams
spent Tuesday at the home of the latter’s sister, Mrs. Ray Stanley.
- The Farmers Union met at the