Iowa Old Press
Lockridge Times; Lockridge, Jefferson Co, IA; Friday, June 14, 1917:CORRESPONDENCE
Cedar Ford.
- Word has been received here of the marriage of Miss Mullissie Weenike of
Hillsboro to Pearl E. Nicholson of Mt. Pleasant.
- Mrs. Earl Black and son Glen of Washington are visiting at the parental O.F.
Lillyblade home and other friends here.
- Steve Lyon is very poorly at this writing and is in a critical condition.
- Edward Lyon of Oceola returned home Monday after being called here on account
of the illness of his brother.
- Miss Gladys Kirk left Tuesday for a visit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Kirk of Denova.
- A wedding of much interest in this neighborhood was that of Miss Clara Wieman
of Muscatine to John Crile, which occurred on June 7th. We are glad to say they
will make their home in this vicinity.
- Miss Cecil Speilman spent the weekend with her cousins, Misses Elizabeth and
Hattie Kientz.
- Miss Eurilla Hinkle, who is working at the Jones home in Brighton, is sick
with measles.
- Mrs. Christian Schafer passed away at her home in Wayland Friday p.m.
Interment was in the Union cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hollander are the proud parents of a baby girl.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harper Hillman spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr and
Mrs. Oscar Monson.
- Perry Hickenbottoms spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Ephriam
Round Prairie.
- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred McWilliams, June 5, a boy.
- The Round Prairie ladies met at the home of Mrs. Esther Fetterman last
Wednesday. New officers were elected: President, Esther Fetterman; secretary,
Mrs. J.T. Cline, assistant secretary, Antha Smith; organist, Edna Church;
chaplin, Susie Wilson.
- Cloa Tilford's house was struck by lightning last Tuesday, the south end of
the house being damaged. It also burnt a straw pile for Mr. Tilford.
- Bill McGuire, jr., had a horse killed by lightning.
- Lloyd Blucker is suffering with the measles.
- The little son of Lige Litton was taken to the Fairfield hospital last Friday
and was operated on for appendicitis. He is getting along nicely.
Four Corners.
- Louie Hildebrand, who underwent an operation at Ottumwa, returned home Monday.
- Lewis Achenbach is the owner of a new 7-passenger Studebaker car and Miss Anna
Starr is the owner of a Studebaker car.
New Sweden.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson, Arthur, Herman and Clarence spent Sunday at the
parental Sol Anderson home.
- We are glad to hear that Herman Anderson and Hubert Walgren have joined
Company M.
- Mrs. Ed. Axelton returned to her home in East Moline, Ill., after a visit with
her sister, Mrs. Frank Trabert.
- Charley Hanson, Canton, Ill., came Monday noon for a short visit at the
parental John Hanson home.
Round Prairie
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs. Cloa Tilford and daughter spent Sunday at the parental Gus Peterson home.
Lockridge Times; Lockridge, Jefferson Co, IA; Friday, June 28, 1917:
Round Prairie
- Walter Crane is quite ill with typhoid fever.
- Jay Wilson is recovering from measles.