Iowa Old Press

Fairfield Tribune
Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa
August 31, 1882

A Summary of Business Transactions this Week

     There is but little to say of the court proceedings further than to give the record of each case. It is a very quiet court.

    Reuben Ward, by his next friend, Robert Black, vs. Peter Snook; claim. Conveyance disapproved.
    M.J. Johnson, guardian vs. M.J. Johnson administrator; claim. Allowed and ordered paid.
    Catherine Riley vs. Catherine Riley administratrix; claim. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.
    In matter of the estate of Grinder Wilson, deceased. Final report. Allowance of $124.36 made to widow for year's support.
    D.P. Stubbs vs. Robert Black, administrator; claim. Allowed.
    In estate of Jacob Messer, deceased; citation. Refered to clerk.
    Nora Smith vs. W.M. J. Smith et al; sell real estate. Transfered to equity; J.S. McKenney and I.D. Jones appointed guardians.
    In estate of Charles Negus, deceased, final report. Approved.
    In estate of Ann Steel, deceased; annual report. Administrator permitted to erect tombstone.
    Adam Wilson vs. Robert Black, as administrator. N.I. Bonnett, deceased; claim. Continued.
    In estate of Patrick Riley, deceased; to set aside claim. Motion to set aside claims allowed by administrator. Sustained.
    Benj. P. Conger vs. J.M. Gonterman, administrator, Tracey Conger. Same.

     Lucy E. Phillips vs. J.J. Phillips: divorce, Default.
     Sylvester J. Shelton vs. Wm. H. Baker, et al; on note. Continued.
     Humphrey's Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. vs. D.H. Stever, accountant. Continued.
     Jefferson county for use of School fund vs. Joseph Young, et al: foreclosure of mortgage. Default: continued as to defendant, L.P. Vance.
     W.H. Black vs. The Cedar Rapids Insurance Co; account. Continued.
     F.A. Hitchcock vs. Wells, Stever and Averill et al; on note. Default.
     Jordan Bros. & Co,. vs. G.R. Purcell et. ux. on note. Default.
     Rosenhelm, Lewis, & Co. vs. Dillon Koons; on note. Default.
     Humphrey's Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. vs. Hufford & Bradshaw; account. Continued.
     Saml. C. Farmer & Sons vs. John P. Ramsey: on note. Default.
     Sol. Vaughn vs. George Vaughn: equity. Default.
     George Miller et al vs. C.B. & Q.R.R. Co, damages. Continued.
     Sol F. Stever vs. Cedar Rapids Insurance Co and I.D. Jones, garnishees: garnishment. Struck from docket.
     Elizabeth Mills vs. Minerva A. Lawson, et al: partition. Continued.
     Nar??ess Parish et al vs Mattie E Parish: partition. F.N. West appointed guardian. Deere confirmed.
     Allen Koons vs. State of Iowa et al: injunction. Settled and costs paid.
     Christian Graber vs. Louis Benedict et al.: equity. Default.
     Mary A. Palmer vs. Randolph Gamble, Decided in favor of plaintiff.
     Sidney Kirkpatrick et al vs. Mary E. Rushton et al.: partition. Decree.
     Adaline Chezum vs. Theodore Chezum and F.O. Chezum: set aside deed. Continued.
     Valentine Strayer vs. Wm. H. Wilson, et al. Continued.
     America Lyons vs. Joan Cox et al.: appeal J.P. Verdict for plaintiff.
     John Patterson vs. Bernard Tomey: appeal J.P. Judgment
     Verigho, Rughling & Co. vs. D.W. Inghram, Chas. Leggett, garnishee: garnishment. Continued. All other cases of garnishment against D.W. Inghram were disposed of in the same manner.
     Wm. Jones et ux vs. John Marey et al. Jesse Jones, garnishee: garnishment. Record corrected by substituting "John Marcy" for Wm. Jones: judgment against Marcy.
     J.B. Sickles & Co. vs. Chas. Brigham, and P.J. Nesselhous, P.N. Woods, garnishee: garnishment. Continued.
     John S. Walker vs. A.C. Jordan: equity. Cause submitted under stipulation on file.
     Robert E. Parsons, administrator vs. John E. Bannewitz, et al: note and mortgage. Struck from docket.
     Daniel R. Comegys et al vs. David F. Comegy et al order to sell real estate. Continued.
     The Burlington & Western Railway Co. vs. Alex McClintock: appeal from commissioners. Settled and costs paid.
     B.&W. R.W. Co vs Wm. McClintock: appeal from commissioners. Same.
     Russell & Co. vs. W.A. Houk, et al: on note. Struck from docket.
     A.W. Peck vs. W.L. Duke: account. Continued.
     J.C. Sutton vs. Elizabeth Mills, A.W. Jaques, garnishee. Struck from docket.
     James Speer, Jr. vs. J.S. Gantz: replevin. Continued.
     J.P. Fullinwider vs. Louisa Fullinwider: divorce. Continued.
     R.J. Mohr vs. Gilbert Low, et al: account. Settled and costs paid.
     John McWhirter vs. Samuel Moore: injunction. A.J. Sheridan appointed to take and report evidence.
     A.W. Thompson et al vs. B. & W. Railway Co.: appeal. Defendant given leave to file amendment.
     Thos. D. Byers et al vs. Wm. R. McCartney, administrator: partition. Decree for plaintiff: defendant excepts.
     George Shriner vs. Mayor and city council of Fairfield as a Board of Equalization: appeal B.E. Judgment against Shriner for costs.
     Rebecca Walker vs. S.C. Walker, motion to re-tax costs. Sustained.
     H.C. Van Zant vs. J.G. Briscoe: change of venue. Continued.
     James M. Dunn vs. Mary S. Dunn: divorce. Plaintiff's petition dismissed on its merits: judgment against plaintiff for costs.
     Henry Hite vs. Wiley W. Hite, et al: note and mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff for amount of note.
     Magdalene Keller vs. August Keller: appeal J.P. Change of venue to district court.
     B.S. Fogelman vs. W.D. Clapp: appeal. J.P. Continued.
     Robert Garbrey vs. B.& W. Railway Co.: appeal from commissioners. Settled and costs paid.
     M.J. Townsley vs. B. & W. Railway Co.: appeal from commissioners. Settled and costs paid.
     Michael Messner vs. B & W. Railway Co: appeal from commissioners. Settled at cost of defendant.
     O.H. Prizer vs. B. & W. Railway Co.: appeal from commissioners. Continued.
     J.H. Allen et. al vs. J.W. Clayton et al: recovery. Continued.
     B. & W. Railway Co. vs. Curtis I. Ireland, et al: appeal from commissioners. Settled and costs paid.



RICHARD GAINES' stock of hardware has been removed from the northwest corner of the park to the room formerly occupied by Jordan Bros. & Co. on the west side.

Rev. F.W. EVANS will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday evening. Mr. Evans has made many friends here and his congregation, as well as many others, will be sorry to lose him.

Dr. C.E. STONER, one of the rising young physicians of Fairfield, has taken his departure for a new field of labor, and henceforth will administer to the ailments of the people of Perlee and vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. HAMMOND, accompanied by Mrs. Hammond's mother, Mrs. Nutting, formerly residents of this city, but more recently of Milford, Indiana, have returned to make their home in Fairfield.

An attempt was made by burglars to enter the house of Chas. Jones, in the southwest part of the city, last Sunday night. They first tried to get in by the front door, but were frightened by a dog. Next they went to a side window and after pulling the mosquito netting off of one, the burglar began to climb in when he was seen by Mrs. Jones, who called to her husband, and during the confusion the would-be burglar skipped out.

The Keokuk Constitution of last Friday contained the following regarding one of Jefferson county's most esteemed old settlers: "James Eckert, Esq., of Fairfield, who landed at Keokuk in April, 1844, took in old settlers' re-union at Ft. Madison yesterday and came to Keokuk this morning to visit Dr. J.M. Shaffer. He made the Constitution a pleasant call. He kept a store on Main street below 2d, next to a drug store kept by Mr. Hamlin."


     H.S. Willis is about again after a week or more of severe sickness.
     Will Ward returned to Fairfield last Friday from an extended trip through the west.
     Charley Herring left for the northwestern part of the state this morning to be gone a couple of weeks.
     Miss Bertha Coffin leaves the first of next week for Pittsburgh, where she will remain some months in attendance at school.

Elm Grove and Four Corners.

     M.S. Horn came home from California last week after an absence of four months.
     John Dole has about completed his residence at Hardscrabble. It is a nice building.
     John Wisecarver has begun building a new house on his farm at Brookville; Andrew Wilson does the carpenter work.
     Perry Meek and family, who went to California last spring that he might recover his health. returned home last week. Perry enjoys better health at present.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Jefferson County