Iowa Old Press

The Fairfield Tribune
Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa
Thursday, Nov 11, 1880

     The election passed off pleasantly and agreeable to all.
     We were visited by a rainstorm on the 4th inst. which was a great benefit to the fall grain. Since the rain the weather has grown cold and chilly.
     The farms are busily engaged gathering in their corn crop; they all report a good yield.
     We notice that Wm. M. Stewart has completed his new barn. Mr. Baum also has his finished.
     James Litton, who has been very sick sometime past with fever has recovered sufficiently to enable him to do some visiting among his neighbors.
     Sickness is somewhat on the increase in portions of this township. Mrs. Wm. Hammans is very low with the fever and her recovery is considered very doubtful. Ezra Humphrey is down with lung fever; graves doubts entertained as to his recovery. John Wilson still continues on the sick list.
     W.B. Franc and party returned on the 2nd inst. from a trip through the far west.
     Our school at Glasgow was commenced on the 1st with Misses Hannah Faucett and Clara Musselman as teachers for the winter term.
    Ida M. Emerson was severely injured on the morning of Oct. 29th while passing through her father's barnyard by a colt that had become frightened and ran against her. She sustained severe injuries about the head and arms, but is now in a fair way to recover.
     The free-will Baptists will hold their annual protracted meeting on the 8th inst. at the Vega school house. Miss Mary Jarrard, a woman preacher, will conduct the services.
     James Webb, who has been living at Bellville, Kans. is visiting his parents.
     Frank McCullough starts on the 9th inst. for Nebraska, to visit his brother and other friends.
     It is our painful duty to report the death of little Stella, daughter of Bruce and Sarah Duncanson (age six years) which occurred on the night of Oct. 31st. after an illness of one week. We sympathize with the bereaved parents. But, what seems to be our loss is her eternal gain.

County Line.
Sunday school at the Line has been provided with a blackboard.
-S.E. Swartz begins school at No. 8 next Monday.
-A Stereopticon exhibition of bible scenes has been given in some of the school houses this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowles of Wayne county, are guests of friends in this neighborhood.
-One evening last week Mr. S.C. Pumphrey was considerably bruised by his wagon upsetting upon him. Traveling a strange road after dark and driving into a ditch was the cause.
-The rain Tuesday evening interfered with a sociable at Mr. Jesse West's for which invitations were given out. We have no doubt a good time was missed by those who could not get there.

Mrs. D.W. Garber is quite sick at present though nothing serious is apprehended.
-Mr. Jake Fry is in the city this week and last on the grand jury.
-Some of the boys have given the election up and are quietly paying their debts.
-Landy McCreery is an aid of Sheriff Chester this term of court.
-Prof. John Fish and wife, of Ottumwa, are visiting at W. Cornell's.

A Complete List of Those Recently Elected

     The following is a list of the township officers recently chosen in the county as shown by the poll books at the auditor's office:

     Justices-C.T. Shamp, M.S. Crawford, and A.H. Regester. Trustee-S.M. Bickford. Clerk-D.R.Beatty. Assessor-John McLean. Constables-W.M. Clark, J.E. Wilson and Frank Armstrong.

     Justices- Edwin A. McClain and Wm. H. Sullivan. Trustees-R.O. Sherrick and John H. Byers. Clerk-J.E. Warner. Assessor-N.P. Clarridge. Constables- Z.T. Smith and Wilson Warner.

     Justices-W.S. Sperry and T.R.J. Ellis. Trustee-Noah Miller. Clerk-Newton Williams. Assessor-Chris. Mann. Constables-Joseph Miller and M.V. Latta.

     Justices- L.J. Bidwell and John Kurtz. Trustee- John J. Crile. Clerk-Joseph Kurtz. Assessor-Chris Mann. Constables-Joseph Miller and M.V. Latta.

     Justices-J.L. Knight and W.H. McCracken. Trustee-J. Quackenbosh. Clerk-J.L. Hadley. Assessor-Peter Roth. Constables-J.S. Williams and J.O. Nelson

     Justices-W.G. Baxter and Z.W. Hafferty. Trustees-P.B. Grafton and S. Hand. Clerk-J.B. Miller. Assessor-L.G. Myers. Constables-H. McCreery and Charles McVey.

     Justices- Wm. Alfred, L.D. Davis and D.E. Tinsley. Trustee- Joseph Parrott. Clerk-Wm. Vanostrand. Assessor-A. Conner. Constables-S.T. Gorman, Jno. Davis and Charles Gillmer.

     Justices-G.W. McClain and J.H. Allender. Trustee- Loren Clark. Clerk-T.Y. Lynch. Assessor-F.H. Clover. Constables-W.F. James and William George.

     Justices-Wm. Hopkirk and Wm. Dunlap. Trustee-David Pierce. Clerk-H.M. Kauffman. Assessor-Peter Palm. Constables-Isaac Castile and Albert Errickson.

     Justices-J.S. King and Geo. Heaton. Trustee-Samuel Billingsley. Clerk-J.J. Kritzler. Assessor-E.P. Taylor. Constables-Geo. King and Wm. Webb.

     Justices-G.B. Phillips and Isaac Conlie. Trustee-Jno. McCormack. Clerk-A.S. Fry. Assessor-Geo. A. Droz. Constables-Geo. Conlee and Richard Fisher.

     Justices-Wm Pratt and C.K. Simes. Trustee- Stephen Hutton. Clerk-Thos. H. Asby. Assessor-Amos Taylor. Constables-Henry Gull and Elias Beach.

The November Term of the Criminal Justice Mill

     The November term of the district court convened last Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Judge E.L. Burton, of the Second District, presiding. The first business was to order the drawing of the grand jury from the body of the county which was done and the following persons were drawn:
Frank Heck               James Messick
F.M. Randall             George Park
Wm. Young               Samuel Allender
Jno. R. Schaffer         Phillip Miller
Thomas Pollock         W.H. Davis
J.C. Fry                     Steele Bright
George Schmidtlein    C.A. Clark
                S. Light.
     The grand jury was empaneled Thursday morning and has thus far been very busy. Wm. Young is foreman.
     After the transaction of some minor business, calling the docket, etc., the trial was begun Friday forenoon of the case of Joseph Hickenbottom vs. the C.B. & Q. R.R. Co., an action for damages in the loss of a cow. This case, it will be remembered, was tried at the March term last spring, when the jury failed to find a verdict, and it went over till this term. The case was contested very closely, every step being fought resolutely on both sides. It was given to the jury at noon Tuesday and a verdict returned in the afternoon for $65 for plaintiff. Whether the case will stop here or not we do not know. A brief history of it may prove interesting: The C.B. & Q. railroad runs through the premises of Mr. Joseph Hickenbottom, near Glendale. The state law provides that railroad companies shall fence up their lines of road and that they shall be liable for damage to stock resulting from a neglect of this or from defective fence. The C.B. & Q. had their line fenced according to law. On the 22nd day of October, 1878, a cow belonging to Mr. Hickenbottom escaped over the fence and was run over and fatally injured. Mr. H. notified the company and proposed to take a certain amount and this the company refused and the result was a trial at law. The main point in fact on which the whole matter hinged, was in regard to the fence. Plaintiff charged that a board was off over which the cow escaped and that it had been allowed to remain off through the company's negligence. Defendant admitted that a board had been off, but claimed that it had been put on before the cow was injured. On this the fight was made, and with the result noted above. The attorneys for plaintiff were Ratcliff  & McCoy; for defendant, Slagle, Acheson & McCracken.
     The other business transacted is as follows:
     State vs. Knight, indictment. Motion to set aside indictment overruled. Defendant excepts.
     State vs. Hoch, appeal from justice. Plea of guilty and judgment for $10 and cost.
     State vs. Kennefick, indictment. Plea of guilty.
     State vs. McElroy, indictment. Plea of guilty.
     State vs. Blakely, indictment. Recommitted to grand jury.
     State vs. Rhodes, preliminary examination. Plea of guilty.
     State vs. Pickerel, preliminary examination. No indictment found. Defendant discharged.
     City of Fairfield vs. Wm. Johnson, appeal from mayor. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
     State vs. Chas. Daniels and Miss Elley, preliminary examination. Verdict of guilty.
     State vs. Clinkenbeard, preliminary examination. Plea of not guilty entered.
     City of Fairfield vs. James Turnbull, appeal from justice. Verdict of not guilty and defendant discharged.
     State vs. Smith, peace warrant. Dismissed at defendant's cost.
     State vs. Walburn, preliminary examination. Default against sureties on bond.
     State vs. Hanley, preliminary examination. No indictment found.
     State vs. Geo. Sallee and Frank Slater, preliminary examination. George Sallee enters plea of guilty and given three days to prepare for trial.
     Ashby vs De Galleford, mechanic's lein. Continued.
     Mary Ann Miller vs. Thos C. M. Dayton, damages. Motion to supresss depositions sustained.
     Isaac Hoffman vs. Chambers Bros, account. Continued generally.
     James Orr, sr vs Ward Lamson, quiet title. Continued generally.
     Assignment of Wells, Stever & Averill, Final report approved, and $500 allowed asignee, subject to revision during term.
     Assignment of George Stever. Continued generally.
     Sibley, Dudley & Co vs Campbell Bros. et al, attachment. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
     Winchester Partridge Co vs L. Petty on note. Continued for service.
     Same vs Milo Mills, et al on note. Continued for service.
     James Sheppard vs William Miser on note. Judgment as per agreement.
     James D. Murphy vs. Jane Murphy et al, Mechanic's lein. Continued generally.
     W.W. Welday vs Wm D Hayes, note and attachment. Settled and costs paid.
     Samuel Reed vs R.H. Payne et ux., injunction. Trial to court.
     Wm .Turnbull vs. John Turnbull et al., equity. Continued as per agreement.
      Wm. Corry vs Laban McCoy et al, on note. Continued for service.
     Eliza Newton vs. John Newton, divorce. Discharged at plaintiff's cost.
     Hickenbottom vs. C.B. & Q. R.R. Co. damages. Verdict for plaintiff for $65 costs.
     W.B. Murray, assignee, vs. Joel E. Campbell et al on note. Settled and costs paid.
     Samuel G. Miller vs. W.S. McKee et ux. equity Continued at plaintiff's cost.
     Mary J. Frush vs. W.A. Frush, attachment. Continued by agreement.
     M.D. Baldridge vs. Samuel Leeper, et ux. equity. Motion to suppress depositions overruled.
     Mary McElhinney vs. Elena B. Cade, et. al. equity. Default, judgment and decree.
     Same vs. John S. Noble, on notes. Leave given to amend answer.
     Nelson Green vs. George H. Case, equity. Judgment and decree.
     G.M. Friend vs. John Rich et al. attachment. Discontinued at plaintiff's cost.
     W.B. Hoffman vs. Ottumwa Water Works, damages. Discontinued by agreement.
     Mary A. Boyd, et a., vs. Ann Overturf et al. to quiet title. Granted.
     Mary Bell Bright vs. C.F. George, et al, equity. Default, judgment and appearance for all defendants and is given thirty days from rising of court in which to plead.
     Ritchea Graborn et al, vs. Jas. R. Osborn et al equity. H.N. West appointed guardian temporarily. Default, trial and decree.
     C.W. Slagle, trustee, vs. Fairfield Gas Co. foreclosure. Decree signed by agreement.
     Margaret P. Wells vs. L.H. Meredith, et al. foreclosure. Continued for service.
     Mary McElhinney vs. L.H. Meredith, et al. foreclosure. Continued for service.
     Elizabeth Cottle administratrix, vs. W. S. Lynch, administrator, et al, equity. Judgment and decree.
     Wm. Haferty vs. Isiah Messenger et al, damages. Leggett & McKenney enter appearance for defendant, Wm. Elliott. Continued. Issues to be made up during term.

     They are rejoicing over a new baby at Mr. J.R. McCrackin's-a boy.
     J.A. Beck was thrown from his horse Monday evening and badly shaken up, but not badly hurt.
     Rev. Trask delivered a lecture on the Indian question at the Congregational church Sunday evening.
     Tuesday evening Mrs. Campbell and her daughter, Mrs. W.C. Ball, entertained a large number of friends.
     Mr. Hammond has just built a very large two-story frame residence near the Hon. M.A. McCoid's.
    Joe Bradley has taken in a partner to help look after his rapidly increasing business, -Mr. F.B. Hoffman of Van Buren county.
     Mr. Jas. Eckert had a sudden attack of illness one day last week that alarmed his friends. It was of short duration and he is all right now.
     The famous humorist, C.W. Brewster, assisted by his family of blockheads, will give you twenty minutes of fun on the night of the 17th.
     Lieut. Clarke, of this city, is now on duty on the U.S.S. Adams, at Callao on the west coast of South America, and expects to be there for two years.
     C.W. Coyendall was admitted to practice at the Fairfield bar Wednesday morning before Judge Burton. He formerly belonged to the Beaver City, Neb. bar.
     Mr. S.K. West has purchased the M.M. Shirk farm two miles north of town and removed to it to-day. The house where he has been living just south of town will be occupied by Mr. W.D. Clapp, who has been living in the Boerstler property.
     Mr. H.F. Sutton, of Batavia, and Sue Hardin, daughter of Mr. Isaac Hardin of that place, were married at the residence of the bride's parents, on the evening of the third inst. the ceremony being performed by Rev. J.M. McElroy. Some twenty-five or more guests were present to witness the event and wish the happy couple a full measure of life's happiness. The parties are both held in high esteem in Batavia, the earnestness of which was evinced by a fine list of wedding presents.

     Fairfield has a horrible case this week in the indictment of her well-known citizen, Mr. J.E. Dougherty, for the revolting crime of incest with his daughter, Ida, who is about 23 years old. The girl charges that her father has been guilty of the offense between three and four years, and that she has remained silent all this time through fear. Three indictments have been returned by the grand jury, two against Mr. Dougherty for two separate offenses where corroborating testimony is secured and one against the girl. The matter became public several days ago, by the girl telling her story to a neighbor, and it was then brought to the attention of the grand jury. Before being submitted to the grand jury, however, it having been charged that the girl was insane, she was examined by the insane commissioners, and pronounced sane. Mr. Dougherty denies the charge entirely, we understand. He is a man of perhaps fifty years of age and was never suspected of anything so heinous and so shamefully offensive as this. If he is guilty it is a crime which deserves full punishment. If he is innocent, it is a great misfortune that such a charge has become public. We give the facts as they are known publicly.

     The handsome monument to the memory of the late President of Parsons College, Rev. John Armstrong, is now in place in the sombre grounds of the college campus, the work of putting it in place having been finally completed last week. It is an elegant piece of work, the finest by all odds in the city.

     Frank Gages is expected home from Ruby Camp, Colorado in a few days.
     Jno. D. Lady, formerly with Winquest & Co. is now traveling for Jos. M. Hayes, St. Louis.
     Mr. H.A. Brown was very low with pneumonia last Saturday and Sunday, but is now much better.
     Harry Wertz, who has been one of the attractions in Barnum's circus the past season, is home for the winter.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Jefferson County