Iowa Old Press

The Fairfield Tribune
Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa
Thursday, Mar 4, 1880


Lark Young and six or eight families leave Fairfield this week for Colorado.

Mr. Baxter of Baxter & Hughes, has gone to housekeeping in the house just west of Nelson Smith's.

Geo Ball, formerly of this place, was elected as one of the democratic aldermen of Iowa City the other day.

Frank Green and wife attended the ball given by the Conductor's Association at Trenton last Thursday night.

Hon. James F. Wilson delivered the address before the students of the Homeopathic department of the State University last night.

Agent Green has waged so ceaseless a warfare on the tramps of late that the Rock Island depot is not much troubled with their presence now.

The Odd Fellow's sociable on the evening of Feb. 22d was held at the residence of Mrs. John Poulton, not at Mrs. J.P.C. Poultons's as THE TRIBUNE stated last week.

All the old gray-headed and bald-headed men in town were at the court house last Monday afternoon to attend the trial of Mrs. Berry, a woman of the town.

The friends of old Mr. Nichols will be glad to know that he is able to be on the streets again after a long and severe illness. His wife, who has been quite feeble, is also improving.

Band Music, instrumental and vocal solos, and Sol Smith Russell, in his comic songs and character sketches, will make up the program at the opera house tomorrow evening.

On Thursday evening, Feb. 26th, 1880, by Rev. J.M. McElroy, at the residence of the bride's parents near Libertyville, Mr. Wm. E. Armstrong was married to Miss Ella Wilson.

The Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society had a meeting in this city Tuesday, Messrs. F.L. Downing of Oskaloosa, J.J. Snouffer, of Cedar Rapids, and John R. Shaffer, being in attendance.

Charlie Murdock, of this place, began breaking on the Southwestern about three weeks ago. On Friday of last week, while coupling at Perlee, the fore-finger on his left hand was caught and pinched off a little below the second joint.

Last Saturday was a big one in the County Treasurer's office-the biggest it has known for years. It was the last day on which taxes could be paid prior to the time when the penalty began to accrue, and as a consequence Treasurer West took in 310,543.98.

It's Al Hilbert that's proud this time. [can't read line] than he was yesterday, and no one either, who had better reason to be happy, for a bright-eyed, eight-pound girl baby will hereafter occupy his attention. Its said to be a perfect negative of its papa.

A small fire and a big smoke at a little building used by Robert Kestner for smoking meat attracted a crowd to the vicinity of that butcher's establishment last Friday afternoon. The flame was soon put out, though not before a number of hams and shoulders had been damaged.

A letter to Mrs. Case of this city from her son-in-law, John Friedlander, at Oakland, Cal., received Monday, states that a few nights before burglars had entered his house, and holding a revolver to his head demanded and secured his wife's jewelry, valued at $1,200, and a $350 gold watch of his own.

Old Mr. Carnes, who has been in the grocery business in this city for years, died Tuesday night at eleven o'clock. The old gentleman had had poor health for some time past, but his last sickness was of but a week's duration. His ailment was inflammation of the stomach. Mr. Carnes had all who knew him for his friends, his long residence here and kindly heart having made him generally liked. He leaves a wife and two daughters.

Mrs. Ninde and Mrs. Prescott, of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, were in the city over Sunday and Monday. Sunday forenoon Mrs. Ninde preached a sermon in the M.E. church, and in the evening both ladies presented some interesting facts in regard to missionary work, and made an appeal for assistance to sustain the good cause. A meeting was held in the chapel of the church Monday afternoon, and a missionary sociable at the same place in the evening.

Among the names already mentioned of gentlemen who will be candidates for the two vacancies in the Fairfield school board, there is none which appears urged with greater earnestness by everybody than that of Mr. P.H. Howlett.

     Tuesday morning the grand jury was empannelled and A.G. Scranton appointed foreman. The following are members:
A.B. Scott, Fairfield
Thomas Laughlin, Locust Grove
J.W. McLean, Fairfield
Nicholas Hogate, Round Prairie
M.J. Johnson, Polk
Chas. Gift, Fairfield
W.W. Cottle, Fairfield
S. Cockley, Fairfield
Nelson Green, Buchanan
Geo. Phillips, Cedar.
F.J. DeMarsh, Penn.
Alfred Hebard, Liberty
D.M. Pariett, Locust Grove
A.G. Scranton, Fairfield
M.V.B. Greenwood, Fairfield
     Judge Cook's instructions were to the point on the question of economy in time and money and they were taken away by the bailiff to begin their duties. The petite jury was then called and answered as follows:

     W.D. Clapp, David Olliver, Archie Gilchrist, David Alter, A.W. Laughlin, Freemond McMaster, John Hupp, J.J. Parsons, Henderson Gorsuch, John Carse, Jacob Funk, Hamilton Smith, H.H. Kirkpatrick, John Williamson, John Ross, Benjamin Black, Charles A. Clark, T.J. Jaques, John P. Stead, Isaac Wisecarver, John W. Fry, W.F. Pumphrey, Fred Shearer.
     Two of these, Messrs. DeBoise and one other, were excused on account of being defective in their hearing.
     The following is the business disposed of up to last night at six o'clock:
     State of Iowa vs. Eliza J. Compo; keeping house of ill-fame. Indictment dismissed and cause re-submitted to grand jury.
     State of Iowa vs James Lewis; larceny. Indictment dismissed and cause re-submitted to grand jury.
     State of Iowa vs. Wm. Louder; larceny. Indictment dismissed and re-submitted to grand jury.
     State of Iowa vs. James McElroy; Nuisance. indictment dismissed and re-submitted to grand jury.
     State of Iowa vs. C. Wisecarver, D. Snider, Assault to do great bodily injury. Indictment dismissed and re-submitted to grand jury.
     State of Iowa vs E. Kennefick; Nuisance. Indictment dismissed and re-submitted to grand jury.
     State of Iowa vs. Mary Gray; keeping a house of ill-fame. Discharged under $50 bonds to appear before district court next term.
     City of Fairfield vs. James Turnbull; appeal from justice of the peace. Discharged and sureties released.
     City of Fairfield vs. Charles Galliher; appeal from justice of the peace. Discharged at plaintiff's cost.
     State of Iowa vs. R C Pickerel; security to keep the peace. Discharged at defendant's cost.
      State of Iowa vs. Jennie Taylor, preliminary examination. Discharged.
     State of Iowa vs. Margaret Howard; vagrancy. Discharged.

     Abigail Thompson, et al vs. Charles M. Thompson, et al; partition. Report of referees approved and sale confirmed.
     Mary Ann Miller, adm'x vs Thomas C M Dayton; damages. Continued on application of plaintiff.
     John P Manatrey vs Jacob Collins et al equity. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
     Winchester Partridge Mfg Co vs L Petty et al; note. Continued for service.
     Winchester Partridge Mfg Co vs John Gamble et al; note. Continued for service.
     James Sheppard vs William Miser; note. Continued for service.
     James D Murphy vs Jane Murphy et al; mechanic's lien. Continued generally.
     W.W. Welday vs Wm D Hayes, et al; note and attachment. Continued for service.
     Nathan Johnson vs Isaac H Brown, landlord's attachment. Continued for service.
     Assignment of T F Higley; assignment. Report of assignee approved and assignee discharged.
     William Turbull vs John Turnbull et al; equity. Set down for hearing on written evidence and continued for this purpose.
     Elijah Dill vs S R Huss, et al; note settled and costs paid.
     William Corry vs Laban McCoy, et al; note. Continued for service.
     W W Welday vs James M Conger, et al; note. Continued for service.
     David Locke vs Elizabeth Swabkey; foreclosure mortgage. Default, judgment and decree.
     Eliza J Newton vs John Newton; divorce. Continued for service.
     Christian W Slagle, et al vs Zeno Hadley, et al. Default and decree.
     Wm B Murray, assignee vs Joel E Campbell, et al. Default and judgment.
     R.? Knight vs R E Coffelt; notes Default and judgment.
     Mary McElhinny, extrix vs Elena B Cade, et al; equity. Default of Philander Chandler and continued as to the other defendants for service.
     John Stansberry vs W A Calfey, et al; note. Settled and costs paid.
     Jabez K Mulkins vs Eveline Mellen, adm'x et al; equity. Default and decree.
     Leroy Craig vs E W Morse; note Default and judgment.
     Sol F Stever vs G W Spencer; attachment. Settled and costs paid.
     Fred Hope vs Thomas R Law; note. Default and judgment.
     Amanda Ferrier, adm'x vs Herman Saenger, et ux; note; Default and judgment.
     Parsons College vs Freeman & Townley et al; note. Default and judgment.
     Lamar Insurance Co for use of Chandler, receiver vs W W Junkin; note Plaintiff given sixty days to file bond for costs, in default of which this cause to stand dismissed.
     Elizabeth Hoops vs John Hudgel; note. Default and judgment.
     Daniel Donnald vs Caleb Gilberson et al; Default and decree.
     Joseph Heston vs Isaiah Frazer et al; note. Settled and costs paid.
     Wm Hutchison vs. Christopher Smith; note. Default and judgment.
     Samuel B Smock vs John H Moorehead et ux; note and mortgage. Default and decree.
     Sibley, Dudley & Co. vs Unkrich & Jones; account. Default and judgment.
     W. Moore vs. Libbie K Jones et al; equity. Default and decree.
     Friend & Son vs. Mary Knerr et al; note. Default & judgment.
     Chas D Leggett vs John M C Leonard et al; equity. Default and judgment.
     A C Craig vs S K West et al; note. Default and judgment.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Jefferson County