Iowa Old Press

The Fairfield Tribune
Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa
Thursday, June 12, 1879

-Thinking perhaps you did not know we existed way down here in the edge of the county, I thought I would send you a line, and thereby introduce us into correspondent's department of your valuable paper-valuable because it gives the news of the county, generally, not as some papers which claim to be devoted to the county's interest and give no news only what transpires in the town in which they are printed.
-Well, our little town is made up of well-to-do intelligent, go ahead people. The farmers are all happy on account of good prospects for crops of all kinds. They nearly all have their corn worked over once and it looks nice and clean. Oats and wheat never looked better for this time of season. We have one large store which carries a a general stock of dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats and caps, as large a stock and as good a variety as any country store you will find anywhere. Also, the Bronn Bros. of Coalport, are building a large two-story store house and will move their stock of goods from Coalport to this place soon. We also have as good a mill as runs anywhere with a saw mill in connection, which is in operation all the time. We no longer have to go away from town for a physician when we are sick. Dr. Wilkins has become a permanent thing with us and has had such good success since he located here that we have no reasons to doubt that he is as good a doctor as any in the county. He came from Washington county. He is a graduate of one of the best medical schools in the country and is building up a good practice here.
-Our Red Ribbon society has been running now over a year and is in a flourishing condition.
-We also have good Sunday school every Sabbath afternoon which is largely attended, and is under the superintendency of Mrs. Hanson, a lady who is a diligent worker in the cause and well qualified for the place.

The weather has been very fine during the last week.
-The prospects for fruit are much better than was anticipated in this part of the county.
-The assistant superintendent, Miss Alice Day, took charge of the Sabbath school at Wooster Sunday.
-Mr. DeCamp Day is quite well
-Messrs. Smith and Pearce of the Wooster blacksmith and wagon shops have attached a horse-power to their saw which enables them to turn out work lively.
-We hear of a sociable at Mr. Day's Friday evening.

     Michael Damms of Glendale has been made postmaster of that place.
     Dr. Monfort expects to leave next Thursday for a four days' visit at his former home in Macomb, Ill.
     Dealers have been paying eight cents for strawberries and five for cherries. Green peas are worth $1.00 and $1.25 per bushel.
    The Rev. J. Hochuly will conduct divine worship and preach it in the German language next Sunday at 11 o'clock in Semon's Opera House. Germans are cordially invited.
    The young lady friends of Miss Kitty Wilson to the number of a score or more were entertained by her last Saturday afternoon and evening in a very pleasant and happy manner.
     Of those who attended the republican state convention from this place the following returned this morning: D.W. Inghram, C.M. Junkin, A.W. Jaques, John Grimstead, Sheriff Hughes, Dr. Woods and Squire Houd.
     Mr. Henry J. Reppert of Beckwith, met with a serious loss last night, or early this morning, we were unable to learn which, hjis store having caught fire and it and all the goods it contained being destroyed. We could not learn the particulars.
     At the burning of Manatrey's elevator Saturday morning a Babcock fire extinguisher exploded in the hands of Elmer Howard, scattering about promiscuously the acid with which it was charged, but fortunately doing no damage that was serious. Another incident was the burning to death of the horse used to run the power.

TEACHERS FOR THE COMING YEAR-At a meeting of the School Directors of this city held Monday evening the following teachers were elected to teach in the Union school the ensuing year:
Principal-Rev. W.M. Sparr
Room No. 1- Mrs. Stever
Room No. 2-Mrs. Brown
Room No. 30 Mrs. Hochuly
Room No. 4- Miss Mussulman
Room No. 5- Miss Ramsay
Room No. 6- Miss Temple
Room No. 7-Miss Bigelow
Room No. 8 - Miss Shaffer
Room No. 9- Miss Farmer
Room No. 10- Miss Bonar
Room No. 11-Miss Rogers.

Married-at 8 o'clock, P.M. June 10, 1879, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. W.M. Sparr, Mr. Samuel C. Farmer, Jr., and Anna Cora Campbell.

     ANOTHER HAPPY WEDDING- By reference to another column it will be seen that two more of Fairfield's most worthy young people have joined their fortunes and embarked on the sea of matrimony. The wedding of Mr. Samuel C. Farmer, Jr., to Miss Cora Campbell, at the residence of the bride's father last Tuesday evening, is one wherein both the parties can be congratulated in the sincerest manner possible. The affair was a very quiet one, only the immediate relatives of the family in this city being present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm. Sparr, at eight o'clock, after which an elegant collation was served. Soon after this a pleasant surprise took place, the members of Company B, to the number of some 25, accompanied by the college band, making their appearance at the door. Mr. G.A. Rutherford stepped forward and in a few neat and appropriate remarks presented the couple, on behalf of the Company, with a handsome silver water pitcher and goblets to match. The presentation was a complete surprise, but the Colonel was equal to the emergency and made a fitting reply in returning thanks. The boys were then invited in an all partook of refreshments. Those who were present from Fairfield then started for home, and at a later hour the groom and bride left for Chicago expecting to return in a week to ten days. They propose to start in life practically and a home in the western part of town, already furnished and ready for the happy pair, is waiting to be occupied.
     The bride, Miss Cora, is the youngest daughter of Hon. Edw. Campbell, jr., and is possessed of all the qualities and virtues of brain and heart which go toward making a lovely and womanly woman. She has been the pride and the ornament of the society in which she has moved in this city and none but words of praise are spoken of her. Mr. Farmer, we feel sure in saying, has won a wife of the noblest character and is to be congratulated accordingly.
     The groom, Mr. Farmer, is a young gentleman of fine ability and excellent character, and one in whom the greatest confidence is bestowed. He is the son of Samuel C. Farmer, sr., of this city...[did not get rest of article.]

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Jefferson County