Iowa Old Press

Kellogg Enterprise
Kellogg, Jasper, Iowa
June 28, 1934

The July meeting of the Cemetery Association will be held at the home of Mrs. Ella Quinn on Tuesday p.m. at 2:30, July 10th. Charlotte S. Gray, Sec'y.

Services Held for Mrs. Minnie Bobzin
Funeral services were held from the home here Monday afternoon for Mrs. Minnie Bobzin who died Saturday afternoon at 3:30 following a paralytic stroke suffered the previous Sunday. Rev. W.G. Weber, pastor of the local Lutheran church had charge of the rites and music included two vocal solos "Lead Kindly Light" and "Abide With Me" sung by Mrs. Earl Trout with piano accompanient by Miss Frost Morris. Three nephews and three grandsons R.D. Lemke, Robert Hawley and Milo Lemke and Paul Jones and Carl L. Bobzin served as pallbearers. Burial was made in the family lot in Our Silent City.

Obituary. Mrs. Charles Bobzin

Minnie Lemke Bobzin was born in Mecklinburg, Schwerin, Germany on February 17, 1866, and departed this life at Kellogg, Iowa, on Saturday June 23, 1934. She came to Kellogg with her parents when three years of age, and has continued to make her home here since. During her fourteenth year she was confirmed in the Lutheran faith. In 1886 she was united in marriage with Charles Bobzin who preceded her in death August 4, 1926. To this union was born one son, Fred who has shared the home with her and has shown unlimited devotion to her during her declining years. She has been a kind, gentle and sympathetic mother to the children Carl and Bertha who were in the home when she came into it. She was ever mindful of others, seeking to do kindnesses for those with whom she came in contact, always solicitious of the comfort of others and unmindful of self. She was a very patient sufferer throughout her prolonged illness, never complaining of her pains but having a ready smile for everyone. Those left to mourn her passing are two brothers, Henry and Fred Lemke of this city; three children Fred and Carl Bobzin, also of this city and Mrs. H.E. Jones of Kirksville, Mo., besides four grandchildren.

Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for the kind Helpfulness and beautiful floral offerings received from our many friends and relatives during the illness and death of our beloved mother and grandmother.
Fred Bobzin, Mrs. Bertha Jones and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bobzin and Family.

Probate Notice
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has this day been duly appointed and commissioned by the District Court in and for Jasper County, Iowa, executor and executrix of the estate of Emily F. Young late of said county, deceased. Dated at Newton this 20th day of June, 1934. V.L. Young, Executor and Dora Young Powers Executrix., F.V. Morgan Attorney.

Probate Notice
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has this day been duly appointed and commissioned by the District Court in and for Jasper County, Iowa, administrator of the estate of Charlotte Lindberg late of said county, deceased. Dated at Newton this 19th day of June, 1934. Albert Lindberg, Administrator. F.V. Morgan, Attorney.

-Bob Hawley lost two horses which were struck by lightening last Friday morning.

-Jud Reimer is spending the summer at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Reimer, after finishing his sophomore year at Central College at Pella.

Former Kellogg Resident Dies in California Mrs. W.C. Braley, 72, former resident of this place, died at her home in Agusa, Calif, Saturday night following an attack of acute indigestion. Clara Weigand Braley was born Sept 22, 1861, in Michigan and came to Iowa with her parents when a small child. They located near Kellogg where they lived until about 1880 when they moved to Belmond, Iowa. She was united in marriage to Wilbur C. Braley of this place at Belmond, January 8, 1883 and they made their home in and around Kellogg for a number of years, then moved to Grinnell and about 19 years ago to California. Four daughters were born to them one of whom died at the age of 8 years. Surviving relatives in clude the husband, three daughters, mrs. Leo Ebersold of Agusa; Mrs. Wesley Hertenstein of Pasadena and Mrs. Harold Tracey of Huntington Beach; 2 grandchildren and three brothers and three sisters. No funeral arrangements have been [cut off]

Playing at the CAPITOL, Newton Iowa
Friday and Saturday -- W.C. Fields "You're Telling Me"
Sunday - Monday - Tuesday -- Janet Gaynor & Charles Farrell "Change of Heart"
Wednesday July 4th -- "Here Comes The Groom" Comedy that will give you a new lease on life
Thursday 11c Matinee -- Elissa Landi & Adolphe Menjou "The Great Flirtation"

[transcribed by S.F., January 2007]

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