Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
April 22, 1927

David Wright Laid to Rest
David Wright, 91 years of age, and the last early pioneer settler in the community, passed away at his home on S. Second street, Monday afternoon, after an illness of only a few days.

Mr. Wright was born April 1, 1836 in New York and with his parents came to Iowa in 1841. They located on a farm south of town at what is now known as Wright’s Corners. For many years he was engaged in the hardware and grocery business in this city, and for forty-three years in the capacity of director of the First National bank.

About a year ago he fell and badly fractured his hip, which injury kept him confined to his bed for many weeks, but he recovered sufficiently to be able to get around with the aid of crutches. On April 1, Mr. Wright observed his 91st birthday with a family dinner at his home, at which time he seemed to be remarkably well for a man of his age. A few days later he took a severe cold, complications developed, and death ended his severe suffering and brought to a close a life well spent in the upbuilding of the community and service to his fellow men.

He is survived by his wife, one son, M. L. Wright of this city, one grandson, Max Jr. of California, and one granddaughter, Mrs. Helen Hartvigsen of Elwood, also one great grandson, Russell Hartvigsen. Funeral services were held at 2:30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon at the home, Rev. A. W. Sinden officiating. Burial was made in Mt. Hope cemetery.

[transcribed by K.W., June 2009]

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