Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson co. Iowa
May 20, 1926

Hiram T. Jonas, Formerly of Bellevue, Meets Watery Grave
Tragedy Took Place at Bremerton Bay, Washington, Victim Falling Off Pier

The Danbury, Iowa Review contains the following item of local interest, since Hiram T. Jonas was a Civil War veteran who enlisted from Bellevue and was a cousin of the late Mrs. LeRoy Brown of Bellevue. He left Bellevue many years ago, locating in Western Iowa, the Review says:

Word has been received here that Hiram T. Jonas, a former resident of this section and well-known to many of our older inhabitants, had accidentally drowned when he fell off the pier at Bremerton Bay, Washington, he having been making his home at the Soldiers Home there. "High" Jonas, as he was better known, left here more than twenty years ago and had never been back. In spite of the fact that he had never come back, he always had a warm spot in his heart for the people of this section. The exact date of his death and the particulars were lacking in the letter received.

[transcribed by K.W., March 2014]

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