Iowa Old Press

Maquoketa Excelsior-Record
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
February 17, 1920

Erlo Furrow was born at Hurstville, Iowa, September 10, 1883, and after an illness of the flu, which developed into pneumonia, he passed away Friday, February 13, 1920, aged 36 years, 5 months, and 3 days. He was united in marriage to Miss Elise Gibson in April, 1905, and to this union was born five daughters. He leaves to mourn his loss, the sorrowing wife and five children, Irene, Marion, Devine, Theola and Alfred, also the father and one brother Ora, his mother having preceded him in death. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Buchner Chapel and burial in Mt. Hope cemetery, with Rev. Kidder officiating.

Ralph Pershing, the only child of Verne and Galilee Stevenson, was born November 19, 1918 and had the promise of a strong vigorous child. He was surely a great joy and comfort to his fond parents, as they watched the young life unfold and develop. A short time ago the child was taken with the flu, which developed into pneumonia and after a battle of twelve days, death claimed the little one, as he passed away on Thursday, at 3 p.m. at the home of the parents in Rock Island, Illinois, February 12, 1920, aged 1 year, 3 months and 1 day. The fond parents dedicated the child to the Lord in Holy Baptism on December 1st, 1919.

The sorrowing parents accompanied the body to Maquoketa on Saturday, which was taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Stevenson, cousin of the father, where funeral services were held on Sunday February 13th at 1:30 p.m., and burial was made in Mt. Hope Cemetery. The floral tributes of friends were beautiful. Mrs. Hugo Staack and Miss Kendall sang consolingly. Rev. D. F. Boomershine officiated.

[Transcribed by K.W., October 2009]

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