Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
December 12, 1907

Kenyon-Bachelor Marriage.
Audley Kenyon of Sabula and Miss Grace Bachelor of Savanna were married at the former place last Wednesday. Both of the contracting parties are well and favorably known and their friends wish them much happiness and prosperity. The bride formerly resided in Lainesville.
-Bellevue Leader


SIMPSON. – Ansel P. Simpson was born at Schroon, Essex county, in the state of New York on the 7th day of August, A. D. 1841, and died at his home in Maquoketa, Iowa, on the 5th day of December, 1907. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Carrie E., wife of F. C. Gregory, two granddaughters, one brother, Henry Simpson of Spencer, Iowa, and three sisters, Mrs. Amy Shields of Glens Falls, N. Y., Mrs. Marian Brown of Burlington, Iowa, and Mrs. Wm. M. Gibson of Maquoketa, Iowa. He was one of a family of eight children and grew to manhood in his native town. He was among the first to respond to his country’s call and on July 24th, 1861, enlisted in Company E, 22nd Regiment New York Infantry Volunteers for a term of two years. He served his full term and received an honorable discharge.

On the 1st day of January, 1864, he was married to Leila J. Collin at Sandy Hill, N.Y. He moved to Iowa in the month of December, 1867, and settled on a farm south of Maquoketa where he engaged in farming for about eighteen years, then purchased a home in the city of Maquoketa where he moved and where he continued to reside up to the date of his death. He was an honest, upright, honorable citizen and was several times selected by the citizens of his ward to represent them in the City Council and discharged his duties faithfully and honorably. He had never visited his old home and as the time for the holding of the national reunion of the survivors of the war of the Rebellion at Saratoga, September, 9th, 1907 drew near, he became anxious to not only attend the reunion but to visit the home of his childhood. Accordingly in company with his wife and granddaughter, Leila Van Ostrand, his sister, Mrs. Gibson and husband, he made the trip. It was a trip made up of the most touching, tender heart to heart reunions of human experience, the reunion of friends of childhood and early manhood; the reunion of his military company, his old comrades in arms, and the reunion with his sister and family and other kindred and friends, all of which he seemed to heartily enjoy and which greatly impressed and moved him.

Symptoms of a decline in his health developed soon after his return and on the morning of November 23rd, 1907, he was stricken with paralysis of the brain from which he never was able to rally, but lingered in the hands of skilled physicians and nurses until the morning of December 5th, when he passed into the great beyond to await the last reunion of loved ones.

Funeral services were held at the M. E. church conducted by the G. A. R. and Woman’s Relief Corps. Rev. A. T. Foster of that church delivered the sermon and the remains were laid to rest in Mt. Hope cemetery.

BOWMAN. Clellon B. Bowman, son of Walter J. and Clara Bowman, was born Nov. 12 1906 and died Dec. 2, 1907. Funeral services conducted by Rev. A. T. Foster were held at the home one and one-half miles west of Delmar Junction, and the body was brought for interment in the beautiful cemetery at Maquoketa.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bowman wish to sincerely thank their friends whose tender sympathy and kind helpfulness greatly comforted them at the time of the loss of their little son.

STOUGHTON. Lydia A. Stoughton, daughter of Sanford W. and Margaret A. Stoughton, was born October 26, 1894, and died December 6, 1907. For months she had been a great sufferer from that dread disease consumption, tenderly cared for by her sister, Esther A. Stoughton, and other near relatives. Early last summer she united with the Methodist Episcopal church of Maquoketa and during all her sickness manifested her abiding faith in her Savior.

Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. A. T. Foster at the home Dec. 7, 1907, and her body was laid to rest by the side of her father and mother in the nearby cemetery.

HANSEN. Cnute Hansen, was born in Clinton county, Iowa, Oct. 29, 1889, and always lived with his parents. He was never a rugged, healthy child, suffering from lung and asthma trouble since childhood. He was released from his suffering and physical infirmities on Monday, Dec. 2nd, at 3:30 p.m. He has gone to his rest after four weeks of intense suffering. Parents, sister Mattie, and brother John survive to mourn their loss.

Funeral services at the home seven miles south of Maquoketa at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4th, and sermon at Union church at 12, and burial in Union cemetery, D. F. Boomershine officiating.

CAHILL. At her home in Richland township, Monday, Dec. 2, 1907, after a prolonged illness, Mrs. Catherine Cahill, aged 73 years. The countless friends of Mrs. Thos. Cahill Sr. were shocked by the announcement of her death with occurred Monday at her home in Richland township. She has been ailing for a long time and has been a patient sufferer, and her busy life time has been spent in behalf of her loved ones and her succumbing was only a matter of time.

Catherine Breene was born in Pottsville, Pa., in the year 1834. In the year 1852 she was united in marriage to Thomas Cahill at Galena, Ill. They settled in Lancaster, Wis., where they remained until the year 1872, when they moved to Otter Creek, this county.

Mrs. Cahill had spent half of her life in Otter Creek where her taking away has called forth expressions of deepest sorrow and sympathy. The deceased was a kind and thoughtful mother, a tender and affectionate wife, a highly respected neighbor, a devout Catholic, and faithful member of the Otter Creek church. A husband, who is at present an invalid, and eight children survive her, John at home, James F. of LaMotte, Thomas, Pierce and Robert of Otter Creek, Mrs. John F. Hayes and Mrs. Wm. Hayes of Cottonville, and Mrs. Gus Hansen of Bellevue. Three daughters, Mrs. T. J. Lambe, Mrs. Dan Small and Mrs. Dan Coakley have preceded her to the grave.

Rev. Father Halpin officiated at the funeral which took place at nine o’clock, Wednesday a.m. at the home and at the church the last sad rites were administered.

J. B. Cotton, one of our esteemed citizens and a veteran of Co. A, 24th Iowa Infantry, passed away at his home in this city about 8:30 o’clock, Tuesday morning. Mr. Cotton had been sick for several weeks, but his illness did not assume a critical stage until within a few days of his death. Bryon Cotton was the son of Garrett L. and Louisa (Root) Cotton, his mother being a relative of Elihu Root, Secretary of State, and was born in Baldwinville, Onondaga County, New York, March 9, 1836. He came to Iowa with his parents when a lad of fourteen years and first lived at Sterling in this county. - Sabula Gazette

FOX. Word was received Saturday of the death of Mr. Wm. Fox who was for many years a resident of Monmouth. Mr. Fox has long been considered the oldest man in Jackson County and perhaps in this part of the state. His exact age is not known but is upward of 100 years. A veteran of the Mexican and Civil Wars, a man who has visited many countries and loved to recount his many experiences. The remains were interred in the Pence Cemetery, Tuesday, services being in charge of the Grand Army of the Republic.

[Transcribed by K.W., May 2009 & November 2009]

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