Iowa Old Press

Bellevue Leader
Bellevue, Jackson County, Iowa
January 5, 1899

The Rev. Father Rottler of St. Donatus, preached his farewell sermon last Sunday. Father Rottler will be sadly missed by the parish over which he has had charge so many years. His removal was a surprise to both priest and parish. We wish him success in his new field.

[transcribed by K.W., July 2009]


Maquoketa Record
Maquoketa, Jackson co. Iowa
January 18, 1899

Last Survivor of Lincoln’s Cabinet Passes Away in Iowa.

Ex-United States Senator James Harlan, the last survivor of President Lincoln’s cabinet, passed away in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, Thursday. He had been rapidly failing for the last three months. The immediate cause of his death was congestion of the lungs. At the time of his death there were with him his daughter, Mrs. Lincoln; his nephew, James Whitford; the nurse and two or three friends.

James Harlan was elected four times to the United States Senate and served in that body sixteen years. His seat in the Senate was declared vacant in 1857, while he was serving a term ending in 1861, but he was re-elected immediately. He resigned in 1865 to accept from President Lincoln the place of Secretary of the Interior, but was again elected to the Senate in 1866, and served until 1873. He was a delegate to the peace convention in 1801 and at different times was chairman of the Senate committees on public lands, District of Columbia, and Indian affairs. He was a member of the committee on foreign relations, agriculture, and the Pacific Railroad. After leaving the Senate Mr. Harlan became editor of the Washington Chronicle. From 1882 until 1885 he was presiding judge of the court of commissioners of the Alabama claims. He was at one time president of the Iowa University.

Mr. Harlan was a native of Clark County, Illinois, having been born there Aug. 25, 1820. He graduated at Indiana Ashbury University in 1845 and became superintendent of public instruction in Iowa in 1847. In 1853 he became president of the Iowa Wesleyan University and was first elected to the United States Senate in 1855. Originally he belonged to the Whig party.

[transcribed by K.W., March 2011]


Bellevue Leader
Bellevue, Jackson co. Iowa 
January 12, 1899  

Publisher of the Leader Passes Beyond, Tuesday Morning.

The death of Mrs. Cora V. H. Evans, publisher of the Leader, occurred last Tuesday at 11:10 a.m. Simple yet beautiful and impressive services were held from the home, Wednesday forenoon. Rev. John Knox Hall officiated. Interment was in the Presbyterian cemetery.  

In accordance with her request only a very brief obituary notice will be given as follows:
Born near Hanover, Jo Daviess county, Illinois, November 16, 1857, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hunt, still surviving with three brothers and three sisters. United in marriage January 19, 1876, to Major W. O. Evans, deceased since May 21, 1895. Loving parent of Aylmer H., Walter A., Stella, Florence A., Lewellen and Grace E., who survive with the exception of Walter, who died in infancy. Here she lived a life of unselfish devotion to home and family and takes her departure with the blessed assurance of eternal happiness of life beyond.

[transcribed by K.W., March 2014]

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