Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson co. Iowa
March 10, 1898

Union Veteran Union
The Union Veteran Union, their wives and daughters, and the Sons of Veterans, had a basket picnic in Priaulx Hall, Friday evening. Those who attended report a good time. The following was unanimously adopted:
“Maquoketa, Iowa, March 4, 1898.
To William McKinley
President of the United States
We, the members of the R. M. Anderson Camp No. 4, Union Veteran Union, Department of Iowa, send hearty greetings, and in case of war with Spain or any other power, freely offer our services to uphold honor to Old Glory.
J. Y. Buchanan, Adjutant”

[Transcribed by K.W., May 2011]


Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson co. Iowa
March 24, 1898

Brown’s Hotel Torn Down
The project of tearing down the old frame building known as “Brown’s Hotel,” and which stood in the alley at the rear of the residence of Mrs. Schaub, has been under consideration for several weeks and was accomplished the latter part of last week. The history of this building is so well known and has been so much written of that a further recital here is unnecessary. It was built by the notorious W. W. Brown in 1837 and was the main part of the old original Brown’s Hotel in which the “Bellevue War” took place three years later. It was constructed of solid brick masonry, with hewn oak studding and butternut weatherboarding, and although having defied the storms of over sixty years would have remained standing for many more had it not been torn down. It was unquestionably the oldest frame building in the state.

[Transcribed by K.W., November 2010]

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