Iowa Old Press

Maquoketa Excelsior
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
October 20, 1896

Rev. D. F. Boomershine
Rev. and Mrs. D. F. Boomershine will leave on the early train tomorrow morning to attend the annual meeting of the Synod of the Reformed Church, which convenes at Edinburgh, Illinois, Wednesday evening, October 21. They will be absent over Sunday, hence there will be no religious services nor Sunday school at the Baptist Church next Sunday afternoon, but the regular services may be expected on November 1st.


Imogene Naomi Klinefelter, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klinefelter, died early yesterday morning from the after-effects of diphtheria. She was taken with diphtheria about two months ago. She was never considered very ill and was soon over the diphtheria, and for the few weeks previous to the last few days, she was seen playing about the house. A few days ago, however, she began to fail and she failed rapidly, sinking into her last sleep yesterday morning. She was aged five years, eight months and twelve days. The remains were laid to rest in Mt. Hope Cemetery the same afternoon, with brief services at the grave conducted by Rev. Macurdy. The bereaved have the sympathy of the community.

A. F. Kearney
The Dubuque Herald has the following to say of Supt. Kearney:
A. F. Kearney, Superintendent of Schools of Jackson County, was born in 1866 in Dubuque County, the son of A. J. Kearney, one of the early settlers of Cascade Township. He grew to manhood on the farm, attended Lenox College at Hopkinton, Iowa, but owing to delicate health went to the mountains of Virginia in 1885. Being greatly benefited by the change of climate, engaged in business in Virginia and returned to Iowa in 1892, engaging in school work. Professor Kearney located at LaMotte, Jackson County, in the Spring of 1894, read law while teaching, and was admitted to the practice of law by the Supreme Court of Iowa in May, 1895. He was selected as the candidate of the Democratic Party for the office of Superintendent of Schools of Jackson County and elected to that office in November, 1895.

[transcribed by K.W., August 2009]


Maquoketa Excelsior
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
October 27, 1896

Dr. Gano S. Martin was born at New Town, Hamilton County, Ohio, on the 16th day of January, 1828, and died at his home in Maquoketa, Iowa, October 3, 1896, aged 68 years, 9 months, 7 days.

He received his education at the place of his birth and at Cincinnati, Ohio, thoroughly preparing himself, for his chosen life work, the practice of medicine. At the age of 18 he moved to the state of Indiana, and at the age of 19 commenced practice of his profession. After a residence of two years in Indiana, Dr. Martin, in September, 1848, journeyed by wagon to Jackson County, Iowa, the trip occupying one month. He was accompanied by Elder Joshua Currier, a Baptist minister of Greensburg, Indiana. They settled in LaMotte and Dr. Martin at once entered upon the practice of his profession. On January 1, 1851, he was married to Miss Lydia A. Wright, of LaMotte, a native of New York State. After a residence of four years at that place Dr. and Mrs. Martin moved to Maquoketa. This was about 1855, or almost forty years ago. During this long period of time, with the exception of the last few years, the doctor found active employment in his profession as a physician. In the year 1865 he entered the drug business, to which he gave his personal attention for over twenty-five years, retiring therefrom some four years ago.

To Dr. Martin and his wife one child was born, a boy, in September, 1852. He was named George Washington Martin. He died at the age of fourteen months. In later years two children lived with the Martins. One was Clara Howard who entered his home at the age of two years, and who is now the wife of Mr. J. F. Thompson. The other was Estella McKee, who came to him when eight years of age, and who is now the wife of Mr. J. E. Lee of Chicago. To both of these children he was a father, and it is as a father that they mourn his loss today after all the many years their lives were brightened by his love and care.

At the age of 15 the doctor became a follower of Christ and united with the Baptist Church at New Town, Ohio. His father and mother were Baptists and his grandfather was a Baptist. Minister and one of the first settlers upon the place where the city of Cincinnati now stands. Upon the arrival of Dr. Martin at LaMotte in 1848 he at once assisted Elder Joshua Currier in the organization of a Baptist Church of which the elder was the first pastor. This brother, who as already stated, came to Iowa with Dr. Martin, still lives, over ninety years of age, and has recently moved from Harlan, this state, to Grand Junction, Colorado. During his long residence in Maquoketa Dr. Martin has been an honored and active member of the Baptist Church. His Christian life has been consistent, his discharge of duty has ever been faithful, his liberality has ever bounded and his good works have ever testified to his living faith. By his pastor and by his brothers and sisters in Christ he will be greatly missed, now that he has been promoted from the church on earth to the church in heaven.

The last days of the doctor’s life were attended with great pain from which he earnestly prayed to be released. And now that he is “absent from the body” we mourn not as those who have no hope for we know that he is “present with the lord.” The doctor has taken his last journey, he has answered his last call, and has entered the “many mansions” where, according to the promise of God, “there shall be no more death, neither sorrow or crying, neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away.”

The funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at the family residence in Second street. Rev. Henry Clark took for his text the words “He was a good man,” and from them paid tribute to the high character of the doctor. Interment was in the family lot at Mt. Hope Cemetery.

[transcribed by K.W., August 2009]

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