Iowa Old Press

Maquoketa, Jackson co., Iowa
June 8, 1894

The home of Mr. Thomas Trout, in Pleasant street, this city, was the scene of a small, quiet, but very pretty wedding at 6:30 yesterday morning. The happy blushing bride was his aimable and accomplished daughter, Mary Elizabeth, and the no less happy groom was Mr. Frank Godfrey, editor of Banks and Bankers, Chicago, a weekly journal devoted to finance, who initial number appeared last week. He is a stranger in this city, but we understand that he is a gentleman of weatlth, education, energy and character. He is a widower, but his only one child, a son, who believing with his father that it is not good for a man to be alone will soon follow his example. The bride, Mrs. Godfrey, was raised in this city and needs neither introduction nor commendation at our hands. The courtship has been a very happy one from start to finish an exception to the rule, and that their married life may be equally sucessful is the earnest wish of THE EXCELSIOR. Only nearest relatives were present for the wedding. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T.A. Porter. Many beautiful and valuable presents were received. The happy pair will be at home in Chicago after June 15".

[Transcriber note: This was the wedding announcement for my great grandparents. Mary Elizabeth raised her two child at the home of her father Thomas in Maquoketa and she is buried in Mount Hope Cemetery. Transcribed by M.J.M., December 2007]

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