Iowa Old Press

Maquoketa Excelsior
Maquoketa, Jackson co., Iowa
July 15, 1892

School Teacher Charged With Whipping Student
P. A. King, teacher of the Esgate school, whipped Hersh Miller's boy a few days ago. Hersh made complaint and King was arrested and had a preliminary hearing before Justice Edwards in Farmers Creek township Tuesday. County Attorney Kelsey was sent for to attend to the prosecution; Wynkoop & Carman appeared for the defendant. The "club" with which the boy was whipped was exhibited and proved to be about the thickness of an ordinary lead pencil and about two feet in length . The defendant was not held. County attorney Kelsey informs us the prosecution had no case. We hear that considerable bad blood is up in the neighborhood and that there came near being a free-for-all fist fight in court during the preliminary examination. We know nothing more concerning the facts or merits of the case. We believe there are times when a judicious use of the rod is wholesome in the school room, but that its use, if used at all, should be the exception, rather than the rule. The teacher is certainly out of pocket one month's salary, if not more, because of his prosecution. Our laws need remedying very much in regard to the commencement of criminal proceedings. If the complaining witness was obliged to give bonds for the payment of costs, when no cause of action is found, our justices and lawyers would have less to do, our taxpayers would have fewer burdens and innocent persons would not so often have to pay out hard earned money to clear themselves of false charges.

[transcribed by K.W., November 2014]

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