Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
January 8, 1891

Murder of C. H. Wessell
Clinton County Advertiser: On Thursday morning the nearly lifeless body of C. H. Wessell, was found by Chas. Jargo, about forty rods from the Teeds Grove post office. The head bore marks of severe bruises. Wessell was taken into a neighboring house, but expired a few minutes after being found. The night before he had been at a party at Teeds Grove, and left there about one o’clock in the morning. The body was not discovered until six. An inquest was holden last night but the coroner refused to divulge any particulars this morning, except that there were a couple of bullet holes through the old man’s head. It is supposed to be the work of some parties who were at the dance, and became angered at him. Arrests are momentarily looked for, as it is supposed the coroner has possession of some facts as to who the guilty parties are. Deceased was about 70 years of age, and had resided near Teeds Grove for nearly a score of years. He leaves a wife and several children residing in that neighborhood, one of which, Aug., is store keeper at Teeds. The coroner was notified yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Aug. Wessell, and, together with Mr. Jackson, court reporter, and other citizens from Clinton, went to the scene of the tragedy last evening for the purpose of viewing the body.

[Transcribed by K.W., September]


Sabula Gazette
Sabula, Jackson County, Iowa
January 15, 1891

Cold Blooded Murder
Frank Davis, a Clinton “tough,” stabbed a saloon keeper named Spencer Dewey, in that city last Friday night. The knife used was a long bladed packet knife and the wound is just above the heart, between the fourth and fifth rib. It is thought the victim will recover.
LATER – Dewey died from the effects of the wound received Wednesday evening. It is said that Davis’ confinement in jail is all that prevents his being lynched. It was a cold blooded murder.

[Transcribed by K.W., October 2009]

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