Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
October 18, 1888

Died at the home of his parents in this city, Oct. 11th, at 1:30 a.m., of valvular disease of the heart, Mr. Burr Irving Mitchell, aged 28 years, 8 months and 15 days.

Deceased was the third son of ex-senator and Mrs. P. Mitchell and was born in this city January 26, 1860. He grew to manhood among us and was one of the most beloved young men of the community. His character was pure, his thoughts elevating, and a more companionable, congenial associate could not be desired. Passing through the schools of our city he entered the mercantile trade with his brother George at the pioneer store as successors to their father in Feb. 1884. Soon Burr’s health began to fail him and he sought a warmer climate and made the trip to Kansas, Texas and Mexico, in the winter of 1886-7. Returning in the spring quite improved he re-entered the store, though he refrained from giving business that close application he formerly did and sought out-door rest and recreation. This year he had contemplated a trip to Southern California, and upon the advise of his physician postponed the day until he might become stronger and more able to endure the trip, but his bright hopes and ambitions went down in death.

The funeral took place Sabbath afternoon from the Congregational Church of which deceased was a member. Peerless Lodge Knights of Pythias attended in a body and escorted the remains to the cemetery. The church could not accommodate the very large number in attendance to pay their last respects to a noble young man and many went away unable to gain entrance. The services were conducted in a very impressive manner by Rev. Oadams .

From government seed Hiram McCarron has grown a mammoth pumpkin that weighs 1,361 pounds. It is on exhibition at D. H. Anderson’s.

[transcribed by K.W., August & September 2009]

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