Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
May 1, 1884

Drs. A. B. Bowen and D. N. Loose
Drs. Bowen and Loose left Saturday evening for Washington, D. C., to attend the annual meeting of the American Medical Association, which occurs at the capitol this year and expect to return the last of this week or the forepart of the next. This association extends over the United States and it is expected there will be some 2000 of the Medical Doctors present. On Tuesday evening the President of the United States gives them a reception.

[Transcribed by K.W., September 2009]


Preston Monitor
Preston, Jackson County, Iowa
May 8, 1884

Preston Monitor Ceases Publication
With this issue of the Monitor we bid our friends and readers good-by. As announced in our last issue, the venture of publishing a paper here has not proved a success financially, and we are forced to stop. During the past year we have endeavored to serve you faithfully, and while intending to encroach on no one, we fearlessly had our say-we thought it was our put-in. To the many friends we have aided and encouraged us during the year of our existence, we return our sincere thanks, and regret that we cannot accept their offer of continued support. We have on our books a large number of small accounts for a year or part of a year’s subscription. Although these are small, yet in aggregate they amount to considerable, and we earnestly request prompt payment from all. To the few who have paid for the Monitor for time unexpired, we will refund the money for such unexpired time. To the neighboring press which has so generously accorded us words of praise, we are grateful, and trust that we have done nothing to cause unkind comment on our suspension.

[Transcribed by K.W., September 2009]


Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
May 15, 1884

(From Dubuque Herald, Sunday, May 11)

The news of a terrible accident which happened near Bellevue last evening was learned from a passenger who came up on the 6 o’clock train. Mathias Fretz, a wealthy German farmer, living two and one-half miles from Bellevue, visited the latter place in a farm wagon yesterday accompanied by his wife. About three o’clock in the afternoon the two started for home, and arrived in front of their residence about an hour later. Mr. Fretz threw the lines upon the horses just as he stopped them, preparatory to getting out of the wagon, but the instant the lines were thrown upon them they started up and ran at a furious gait along the military road. Mr. Fretz was in a standing position when the horses started and he was thrown headlong over the dash-board onto the traces, the wagon passing over him and he received terrible cuts about the face, and was so badly injured that his life is despaired of. The team continued on its maddened course and further down the road the wagon tipped over throwing Mrs. Fretz heavily against a fence post fracturing her skull, death ensuing instantly. Both the above named parties are old and respected residents of Jackson County and lived near Bellevue for many years. The terrible accident has caused a gloom of sorrow in the locality where they were so well known and esteemed. We have learned from a Bellevue gentleman that Mathias Fretz died on Monday, soon after the funeral of his wife.

To The Editor of the Sentinel:
Seeing you have correspondents from other places and none from ours I thought I would send you a few items. J.H.

Grandma Morehead was buried the 20th aged 83 years. She was the mother of 12 children eight of whom still live. She had 45 grand children and 25 great grand children. Rev. John Saide of Cherry Grove preached the funeral sermon.

[Transcribed by K.W., September 2009]


Sabula Gazette
Sabula, Jackson County, Iowa
May 17, 1884

Body of Floater Discovered
The body of a floater was discovered in the river about four miles above Bellevue on Wednesday. It was supposed to be either Jenkel, the jeweler or Goddard, the bridge engineer, of four drowned men, all from Dubuque, who were missing between that city and Bellevue. There is a reward of $100.00 offered for the recovery of both Jenkel and Goddard.

Later- The body found four miles above Bellevue proved to have been Goddard and the $100.00 reward will be paid to the finder.

[transcribed by K.W., September 2009]

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