Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
April 13, 1882

Mary Stewart Webster von Schrader
In this city Saturday noon, April 8, 1882, of typhoid pneumonia, Mrs. Otto von Schrader, aged 47 years. The funeral obsequies took place at her residence on Monday afternoon and many paid their respects to this highly esteemed lady by their presence. The death of this noble lady causes feelings of sorrow in almost every heart in our community; none know her but to love. Her loss is a calamity to the Congregational Church of which she was a leading member and powerful support. The funeral sermon by Rev. S. K. Millikan best illustrates the beautiful character of Mrs. Schrader and we herewith publish the eulogy as follows:

Mary Stewart Webster was born at Hartford, Connecticut, June 6th, 1835. She entered upon the Christian life during her girlhood. She was united in marriage with Otto Von Schrader November 24th, 1857 at Hartford, Connecticut. Coming to Maquoketa as a bride nearly twenty-five years since, she has notwithstanding one or two temporary absences been identified with the life of the place for almost a quarter of a century. She died April 8th at noonday, aged 46 years, 10 months and 2 days.

Mrs. Schrader has been an active promoter of every good work throughout all these years. She was ready to do what she could privately for the pleasure of friends, the comfort of neighbors or the help of the needy. She was equally ready to forward any organized effort for public good. You found her an active member of the Relief Society. She was interested in the Library Association. Reading circles enjoyed her presence and the hospitality of her home.

The W. C. T. Union found her as faithful when but a dozen have met to pray for the temperance reform, as when the Blue Ribbon wave swept over the state. She was constant in her care for the Hand of Hope and the teacher of a class to the end of her life. She identified herself with the Congregational Church soon after coming to this place and did her part at sociable, at festival, in the school at prayer meetings, at the regular Sunday services and at the Lord’s table. Her life has thus been before you, all with some prominence, and the fact justifies a few words concerning character in general, and a few words about the character of our sister, as we gather about her form and reflect with chastened hearts upon her life and thank God for her influence.

[transcribed by K.W., September 2009]

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