Iowa Old Press

Maquoketa Excelsior
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
October 22, 1881

Jabez Smith of Sabula was drowned in Plum River slough near Savanna, last Thursday. He was rowing a skiff, and in passing through some trestle work the boat was upset. Mr. Smith was a brother of Hugh Smith of this city., and has been for a number of years mail messenger on the Cedar Rapids line of the Milwaukee Road. He leaves a wife and several children in comfortable circumstances.

A Will Contest
The will of the late William Current was filed for probate in the Circuit Court last Wednesday. He died possessed of property, real and personal, estimated at a value of about $30,000. His estate includes farm land near this city, timber land, city property (including the Opera House), and notes and mortgages to the amount of $5,000. His heirs are two sons, a daughter and six children of a deceased daughter and her husband, H. Taubman, the clothing merchant. To these six children $500 each is devised, and the remainder of the estate is bequeathed to the three other heirs in equal shares. Mr. Taubman, as the next heir of his children, has taken steps to contest the will on the grounds of undue influence exercised by the more fortunate legatees and of the incapacity of the testator to equitably devise his possessions. L. A. Ellis and F. M. Fort have been retained by Mr. Taubman as attorneys to prosecute the contest. Lyman Bates has been appointed by the court special administrator of the estate.

[transcribed by K.W., May 2009]

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