Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson co. Iowa
January 10, 1878

The public are being educated to a better knowledge of Phrenology by the efforts that are constantly being made by the publishers of the Phrenological Journal, that staunch old monthly which has been published now in New York for forty years, and during all this time has lost none of its vigor, and has attained a much wider circulation than its technical name would indicate. The publishers announce now a great reduction in price-from three dollars to two dollars per year-and in connection with this a Phrenological bust as a premium to each subscriber. This bust is a model symbolical head, made nearly life-size, of plaster of Paris, so labeled as to show the exact location of all Phrenological organs. It is a handsome ornament, well adapted for the mantel-piece, center table, library or office. With the aid of this and the key which accompanies it, together with the series of articles commence in the January number of the Phrenological Journal, on practical Phrenology, each person can become quite familiar with the location of the different Phrenological organs. It is sent by express, carefully packed, to every subscriber to the Journal, who sends in addition to two dollars, the subscription price, twenty-five cents extra for boxing and packaging, or No. 2, a smaller size will be sent by mail, post paid, on the same terms. Readers who desire a more complete description, together with the prospects of the Phrenological Journal, should send their address on a postcard or accept the publisher’s offer, and send ten cents-half price for a sample number of the Journal to S. R. Wells & Co., Publishers, 737 Broadway, New York.

[transcribed by K.W., April 2011]


Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
January 31, 1878

Hon. Phillip Bradley
The Hon. Phillip Bradley, of Andrew, Jackson County, Iowa, now in the lower house of the Assembly, has the longest record as a public man of any man in the Legislature. He began his career as a Legislator for Iowa, May 5, 1845.

[transcribed by K.W., August 2009]

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