Iowa Old Press

Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
May 13, 1875

At a meeting of the Golden Sheaf Grange, No. 1764, at Bridgeport, Iowa, Wednesday, May 5, 1875, the following were adopted:

WHEREAS, the Grand Master of the Universe, has called to the Grange above, our well beloved and highly respected brother, James Edwards, who has gone to join the higher and better band of brotherhood, therefore
RESOLVED, That this Grange, having lost one of its noblest members; one of its most worthy workmen, it gives expression to its deep feeling, by wearing badges of mourning for thirty days.
RESOLVED, That we tender to the bereaved family, our kindest sympathy, and extend to them the care and protection of Golden Leaf Grange.
RESOLVED, That a copy of these proceedings be given to the family of our deceased brother, and that copies be furnished for publication.

W. C. Grant, Sec.
H. G. Haskell, Master

[transcribed by K.W., July 2009]


Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
May 31, 1875

John Amos (1791-1875)
DIED - AMOS- Near Fairmont, West Virginia, April 22nd, 1875, Mr. John Amos, father of Frank Amos, Esq., of this city. Mr. Amos was born in West Virginia in the year 1791, and was therefore 83 years of age. He was a prominent and influential citizen of the old Dominion, and had many warm friends who mourn his loss.

[transcribed by K.W., July 2009]

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