Iowa Old Press

Maquoketa Sentinel, September 11, 1856
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
September 11, 1856

NOTICE is hereby given, that I have this day given HECTOR MCDANIELS, an adopted son, his time during the remainder of his minority. I shall hereafter claim none of his earnings, nor pay any debts of his contracting.
August 12, 1856

Foul Play
The remains found near Austin Settlement, Sac County, Iowa, have been identified as those of A. W. White, of the firm of Bigelow & White, Sioux City, who was last heard from at Austin, mounted on a fine horse. Three men with their horses tied were afterwards seen near the ravine where the body was found, in earnest consultation. The Fort Dodge Sentinel supposes them to be three desperadoes from Hardin County and expresses a fervent wish that justice may overtake them. Mr. White was known to have had money with him, which doubtless instigated this mournful tragedy.

We feel happy in calling attention to the card of J. S. Darling, Esq., Attorney at Law, etc., at Sabula in this county. Mr. Darling has been long known to us as an upright and honorable gentlemen, and as a lawyer he is an ornament to his profession. To our many friends east, who desire and have occasion for professional services in Jackson County, you will do well to employ him, with a perfect confidence that your interests will be carefully and judiciously attended to, and proceeds remitted immediately upon collection.

[transcribed by K.W., May 2009]


Maquoketa Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
September 25, 1856

The friends of Filmore and Donelson, will meet at Andrew, on Saturday, Oct. 4th, for the purpose of forming a Fillmore & Donelson club. It is expected that all who love their country, and are in favor of the perpetuity of the American Union, will be present.
Come on, come all, for the time has come to strike terror to the hearts of our enemies.
Maquoketa, Sept. 25, 1856

The dead body of a murdered man was found opposite Moline on the Iowa side, by a boy. The murdered man’s dog was licking fresh wounds of its master. Much mystery hangs about this affair. There were two men seen to fire at another on Sunday. An investigation will soon be had before the coroner, when the mystery will be solved, it is hoped.-Davenport Democrat.

[transcribed by K.W., May 2009]

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