Iowa Old Press

Maquoketa Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
August 28, 1856

Two foreigners residing near LaMotte, got into an altercation about cutting sheaf bands, on Saturday last. It appears that an Irishman, who had employed the thrashers, had also employed a young man, a Dutchman, to cut the bands. As is usual in thrashing, after the run was through, a few minutes was taken to rest. While resting the Dutchman was requested to lay up a few rails, but refused on the ground that he had a short respite, and if he, the Irishman, was not satisfied with his work to say so. The Irishman then told him to give him the knife, which the Dutchman did. The Irishment then told him to keep quiet or he would “wring his nose.” The Dutchman told him he had better try it whereabouts the Irishman struck him a blow in the forehead with the handle of the knife, staggering him back a few paces, and before he had time to recover plunged the knife deep into the breast of the unfortunate Dutchman, penetrating his heart, and killing him instantly.

The above particulars, we gathered hastily from one that was passing through LaMotte. It may vary a little from the exact circumstances of the affray, but in the main, we are inclined to believe that it is correct.

[transcribed by K.W., May 2009]

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