Old Press
Maquoketa Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa
September 6, 1855
On Saturday last our fellow-townsmen, Dr. Mattison and Mr. James
Jones, were out hunting prairie chickens near the farm of Mr. A.
Jenkins, some three miles south of this place, the gun of Dr.
Mattison accidentally went off, lodging the contents thereof in
the arm and breast of Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones was brought to town by
the Dr., and every attention paid to his wounds. We feel to
sympathize with the Doctor in his regrets at the almost
unavoidable cause of the accident, but amends, as far as lies in
his power, are being made in his skillful and careful treatment
of Mr. Jones since the accident. We are pleased to add that Mr.
Jones is doing well, and there is every prospect of his speedy
recovery. Too much care cannot be taken in the use of fire arms,
results of a like nature are too frequent, and it behooves all
hunting parties to use cautiousness in carrying their guns.
[transcribed by K.W., May 2009]