Iowa Old Press


Pioneer Record
Ida Grove, Ida co. Iowa
May 17, 1922

Miriam Fish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Fish, will attend the summer school at the University of California at Berkeley. Miss Fish has been re-engaged as head of the foreign language department of the Thomas Jefferson high school at Council Bluffs.

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Dau, Hans Schubert, Herman Mitchell and Nick Albers of Holstein left Friday for an extended visit with relatives and friends in Germany. William Truelsen of Schleswig left for New York Tuesday, from which he will sail for Germany.

A son Robert, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Heibenstret Friday.

On Saturday morning a new grocery and meat market will open in the building formerly known as the Princess building on Second street. The owners of this new establishment are Lawrence Kiernan and Edward McCabe.

Last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wellendorf were pleasantly surprised when about thirty-five friends and relatives came to help them celebrate their thirtieth wedding anniversary.

Harry Roebik of Holstein had the misfortune last Thursday of having his horses become unmanageable, throwing him under the disc and cutting him quite badly.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Ida County