Iowa Old Press


Pioneer Record
Ida Grove, Ida co. Iowa
April 2, 1913

Dr. Heilman and Houlihan have signed a contract to have a fine new brick hospital erected this year.

Sparks from the chimney set fire to the roof of Mrs. John Brandy's house Tuesday morning. A big hole was burned in the ceiling and roof.

The body of August William Rath was brought from Sioux City Tuesday for burial in the Ida Grove cemetery. It was accompanied by his wife, a son and two daughters.

On Easter Sunday, at the Lutheran church in Galva occurred the marriage of Minnie Sievert to Herman Ebert.

Sam Irwin, who sleeps in the B.S. Noble office, has a surprise when he unlocked the door and walked in and turned on the light to find a man down on his hands and knees going through Irwin's grip sorting out his valuables.

Mrs. Archie Mein and daughter went to Sac City Friday, and from there will go to Lawton for a ten days visit.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Ida County