Iowa Old Press

Humboldt Republican
Humboldt, Humboldt co. Iowa
December 2, 1938
1:30 o’clock P. M. Board met, all members present except Hoffmann and Saverude. Moved by Sawyer and seconded by Weir that the appointment of Helen E. Breed as Deputy County Recorder be and hereby is approved and that her salary be and hereby is fixed at $60.00 per month. Ayes: Sawyer, Weir, and Boothroyd. Moved by Weir and seconded by Sawyer that the Bond filed by Helen E. Breed for $2500.00 as Deputy County Recorder be and hereby is approved.  Ayes: Sawyer, Weir and Boothroyd.

[transcribed by L.Z., February 2014]

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