Iowa Old Press

Humboldt Independent
Humboldt, Humboldt co. Iowa
May 21, 1908

The town of Humboldt with its 2000 busy people is located at the junction of the M. & St. L. and C. & N. W. railroads and is afforded the best of transportation facilities for its large annual output.

Headquarters for the Rural Union Telephone Co., the Humboldt Bottling Works, a $10,000 Carnegie Library under course of construction, Humboldt College and old and well established institution, a $20,000 public school building thoroughly equipped throughout, and six churches, has a complete system of water works supplying the town with the purest of spring water, one of the best volunteer fire departments in the State, an abundance of water power for commercial purposes, and has easy access to an unlimited amount of the finest kind of building stone.

Humboldt is the home of three prosperous banks with an aggregate capital of $200,000, a poultry establishment employing as high as one hundred and twenty-five men and doing a total $1,000,000 worth of business annually. The Humboldt Creamery Co. doing a wholesale creamery business on a large scale, two flouring mills, two cigar factories, the American Ditching Co., capitalized at $25,000, a modern cement block and tile factory, a twenty-four hour electric light service. Anyone desiring further information address: SECRETARY OF COMMERICAL CLUB.

[transcribed by L.Z., October 2014]

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