Iowa Old Press

Lime Springs Herald
Lime Springs, Howard co. Iowa
November 28, 1940

Selective Service Board Selects Man for First Call
The Howard County Local Board met Saturday the 23rd, and made their selection of the man to be inducted into Selective Service for the first call. The quota for Howard County on the first call was one man and the selection was made from the list of volunteers.
Five Volunteers
The five registrants who have volunteered and from which the first quota was filled are:  Virgil Lyle Barnes, Helmer Arthur Anderson, Jimmie O’Pat, Robert John Burns and Manford Eugene Anderson.  Virgil Lyle Barnes being the first name drawn for induction.
Advisory Board
An Advisory Board has been appointed to assist Registrants in filling out their questionnaires and anyone desiring help will appear before a member of the Board in their community. The affidavit of the questionnaire may be completed by a Notary Public, a member of the Advisory Board, a member of the Local Board or the Clerk of the Local Board. All questionnaires must be returned to the Board within five days after the date of mailing. The Board will then classify the questionnaires and each Registrant will receive notice of his classification after the Board has determined his classification. Ninety- six Registrants have now received a questionnaire and additional questionnaires will be sent out until all Registrants have received a form. It is required that questionnaires be sent to all Registrants even though the county quota is met by Volunteers and Enlistments. ~Howard County Local Board
Mrs. Anna Smith was a supper guest of Mrs. Emma Jones, Sunday.
A baby girl was born Nov. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Biever. She has been named Irene Coleen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nelson of Mabel, Minn., visited at the Lyman Fries home on Wednesday.
Victor Schmieden and Sam Peterson of Waukon visited at the Art Fall home Wednesday and Thursday.
A hammer mill demonstration will be held in Lime Springs Saturday at 1:30, sponsored by the Fries Implement Co.  All farmers are invited.
Don’t forget to remember that Roast Pork supper a week from tonight at the Presbyterian Church. Serving will start at 5:30, Dec. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Faye Farnsworth and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Munkel and daughter spent Saturday evening at the Walter Munkel home.
Miss Dorothy Fries arrived Wednesday evening to spend her Thanksgiving vacation with her parents. She returned to Westmont, Ill., on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell VanderBle are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Vander Ble and Dr. and Mrs. Osborn and baby at dinner Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alink and Janice were over from Spring Valley Sunday and spent the day with the former’s sister, Mrs. R. A. Vander Ble and family.
Another opportunity to buy hand-made Christmas gifts and home-made candy, Annual Presbyterian Supper at the church next Thursday evening, Dec. 5.

[transcribed by L.Z., March 2014]


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