Iowa Old Press

Lime Springs Sun-Herald
Lime Springs, Howard, Iowa
January 5, 1922

Hawkeye State News

- Fred P. Nelson, 55, a farmer near Clinton, died of injuries received when he fell under the wheels of his wagon.
- President Harding sent the following postmaster nomination to Congress and the Senate: Harry M. Haines, Centerville, Ia.
- Judge Coyle sentenced Clive Aldrich of Titonka, who seduced one girl and then married another, to five years in the penitentiary after a trial at Algona.
- Henry Melancota, a farmer living near Alden, sold ten turkeys in the market for $80. One large turkey brought him $12. Farmers in that region plan to raise more turkeys next year.
- James Gordy, age 10 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Gordy, who fell sixteen feet from a children's slide at the Pierce school at Council Bluffs died of his injuries in a hospital. His spleen was bursted in the fall.
- At a meeting of the officers of the Tama county farm bureau, held in Toledo, J.W. Pendry was retained as county agent for another year. His salary has been reduced 10 per cent for the coming year, from $3,000 to $2,700.
- Vincent Cerame Terzo, alleged fire bug and high finance expert in building operations will have to tell his story to a grand jury, it was decided when Justice G.S. Lightner bound him over to that body, after a long perliminary hearing.
- Allison R. McFarland, salesman for the Stoddard Tire and Supply Co., Mason City, wondered if there was any water in his radiator. He lit a match to see. There was alcohol in the radiator. Alcohol is lighter than water. McFarlane [sic?] awoke an hour later in a hospital.
- A fatal accident happened at Riceville of which Alfred Weber a 14-year-old boy was the victim. He, with two boy companions, was skating on the ice of a fish pond. They broke through the ice and although rescued alive the Weber boy soon succumbed from the chill and shock.
- Mrs .Mary J. Livingstone, 50, of Marshalltown is being sought by the authorities of Cedar Rapids and the surrounding country. On the way to the bedside of her aged father at Onslow she mysteriously dropped out of sight and no further clue to her whereabouts can be discovered.
- Habel [sic?- Hazel Dollison,32, kidnapped when 3 years old by her father from her mother's home was found recently by her uncle, H.C. Purcell of Woodbine. She said she was taken to Sac City by her father, where she lived for seven years, then to Mapleton. Later she married and came to Sioux City to live.
- On five of the six counts of sending obscene and threatening letters through the mails, Fred W. Stover, 19 years old, of Newton, was convicted in federal court. Stover proved an alibi as to the sending of the sixth letter, which had been mailed from Des Moines. C.S. Cooter, Stover's attorney, declared that he would file a motion for a new trial.
- Okley Foster, 20 years old, of Prescott, was accidentally shot and killed, just after returning with his two brothers from hunting near Corning. The three boys were standing in the Cook yard when the dog, to greet the young man, jumped up, striking the trigger of the gun which was a hammerless double barreled shot gun. The charge hit the boy in the liver. He was conscious long enough to say, "the dog did it," but died soon after and before the doctors could arrive.
- Paul Vanderberg, a window cleaner, fell to his death from the tenth story of the Kahl building in Davenport recently while cleaning windows. He struck the cornice at the third story in his fall bouncing to the sidewalk and was instantly killed on striking the pavement. He was 35 years old and leaves a wife and child.

[transcribed by C.J.L., January 2007]

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