Iowa Old Press

Sun Herald
Lime Springs, Howard co., Iowa
March 17, 1921


- Mrs. Ramsey Hevern whose husband was killed on their farm near Oxford, is critically ill with pneumonia.

- Twelve cows and 20 tons of hay were burned in a fire which destroyed the barn of Le? Hemmings near Waukon.

- A telegram from Long Beach Cal. announces the death of S. H. Thompson pioneer farmer and cattle breeder of Iowa City.

- The body of Dennis Rice, pioneer, arrived at Osage recently from Texas. He and his two brothers, in 1855, founded Riceville.

- B P Cheney 67 years old employed on a farm near Hamburg, was killed by a Burlington train. His body mutilated was found the next day.

- James R Rhodes publisher of the Newton Daily News has been named vice president of the Inland Press association an organization covering a number of central states.

- Oscar Rock of Logan, Ia., probably will be the new prohibition enforcement officer for Iowa, under the Volstead act according to news dispatches received from Washington, D.C.

- Dragged 260 yards under the wheels of a loaded ice wagon when his horse ran away John Ramsey of Mason City employed by the N. Randall & Son Ice Co was fatally injured at Clear Lake.

- Isel Sexton Brennen, wife of Clan [?] Brennen of Iowa City, waived examination when arraigned in Justice E. A. Crosset's court at Iowa City on a charge of bigamy. She was released on $1000 bonds.

- Georges Humphreys, about ?5 years old of North English, Ia., was found dead in his barn recently. A revolver was found near by and there was a bullet wound in the man's head. Suicide is suspected.

- Mayor J W Dempsey of Lansing, Ia., will be one of the speakers at the sixth annual convention of the Mississippi River Scenic Highway Association to be held in the Claridge hotel, St. Louis, Mo.

- A fourteen hour deliberation in the jury room was the experience of Miss Bessie Pearson, an attractive Clarinda business woman who was the first woman juror in Page county. The lawsuit was one in which Mrs. Hattie McCammond, of Mount Ayr, Ia., was suing Lute Mace for $7,000 because of an automobile collision in which the woman's ankle was injured. A verdict was brought in for Mr. Mace and he will not have to pay damages.

- Henry Springborn, arrested in Clinton with Janet Foster of Goodground Long Island, N.Y. was taken back east to face the wife and
children he is alleged to have deserted at Blue Point, Long Island. Springborn and Miss Foster had been living in Clinton as man and wife
several weeks. The man is said to have drawn a $900 joint bank account he had with his wife before he left for Clinton. The baggage was in Miss Foster's name to Chicago, and in Springborn's name to Clinton. This furnished the clew.

- Gored to death by a vicious bull, the body of Ramsey Havern, 75, was found near a fence on his farm near Iowa City by his son, Earl and friends who missed him after church and organized a searching party. The aged man had evidently run to escape and was climbing the fence when he was overtaken by the animal.

[transcribed by C.J.L., March 2007]



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