Iowa Old Press

The Sun Herald
Lime Springs, Howard co. Iowa
June 10, 1920

Hawkeye State News - Interesting Items of News Gathered From all Parts of Iowa
-Story county voters will use machines for voting for the first time at the coming primary election.
-When James C. White, and his wife, Alma White, jumped their bonds at Fort Madison and fled the state, Iowa was better off by $600. They were held on bootlegging charges.
-With each day in which no trace of her whereabouts is obtained the mystery of the disappearance of Bernice Holmes of Monticello, becomes deeper and her parents and relatives become more worried for her safety. She was last seen in an automobile in company with two young men, whose names are not known.

[transcribed by S.F. June 2007]

The Sun Herald
Lime Springs, Howard co. Iowa
June 17, 1920

Hawkeye State News - Interesting Items of News Gathered From all Parts of Iowa

-The following item of interest to Lime Springs people is taken from the Waukon news in a Dubuque paper: "Announcement has been made that Miss Ruth Barthell of this city will become the bride of Mr. Charles Hewit of Washington, D.C., the wedding to take place on June 23 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Barthell, northwest of town. Miss Barthell is now a senior in Upper Iowa University at Fayette and has accepted a position at Manila, Philippine Islands, for next year. Mr. Hewit, who is in the employ of the government, has also secured a position as instructor in the same school, and they will enjoy a long honeymoon trip to Manilla soon after the wedding, expecting to report at that place the latter part of July. A prenuptial shower was tendered her last week by members of one of the societies of the University at Fayette."

-Golie Bowman, 6 years old of Kingston, died at a hospital in Burlington as a result of burns received while at play about a bonfire.

-Kenneth Kelly, 5-year-old son of Mrs. T.L. Kelly of Atlantic, suffered a skull fracture when, on his way home from school, he darted into the street in front of an automobile.

-Eb Dickson's suit against 35 West Grove citizens for their alleged conspiracy to force him to salute and kiss the American flag and give $200 to the Red Cross in May, 1918, was lost when a jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Dickson and his brother claim they were attacked and threatened with ropes and yellow paint for alleged disloyal remarks.

-Hamlin Garland and Octave Thanet are Iowans, and have written of Iowa. Emerson Hough and Randall Parrish and Edwin L. Sabin came from Iowa. Besides contributing novelists whose books are listed among the six best sellers, Iowa has developed historians and scientific writers, has fostered poets like Arthur Davisno Ficke and Edwin Ford Piper, and added humorists to the mixture. Bob Burdette reached fame thru the columns of the Burlington Hawkeye and Ellis Parker Butler was born and grew up in the state of Iowa.

[transcribed by S.F. June 2007]

The Sun Herald
Lime Springs, Howard co. Iowa
June 24, 1920
J.C. Talmadge, publisher

Hawkeye State News - Interesting Items of News Gathered From all Parts of Iowa

-E.L. Spear, a printer, brought back to Garner from Oklahoma to face charges of bigamy has confessed.

-While trimming trees at his home in Waterloo, Iowa, John F. Boyson, age 64, was stricken with heart disease and fell to the ground dead.

-When C.M. Vanhorn, 19, of Sioux City, was arrested on a charge of housebreaking, he confessed to scores of robberies all within the last two months. He is a former resident of Boone.

-The old "swimming hole" at Bedford, Iowa, claimed two victims when Harold Lowe and Frank Coppel, aged 12 years, were drowned. The youngsters' bodies were found after a search of several hours.

-First patients for psychopatic treatment well be received at the general hospital of the University of Iowa about July 1, according to Dr. Samuel T. Orton, director of the psychopathic hospital.

-Sheep men in the vicinity of Baxter have reported a considerable loss of sheep and lambs by a wolf of the large timber variety recently. the animal has been seen on several occasions and a wolf hunt is being planned in an attempt to capture the animal.

-We have received a card with a change of address for C.J. Zook. He has moved from Adel, Iowa to Toulon, Ills.

[transcribed by S.F. June 2007]



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