Iowa Old Press

Sun Herald
Lime Springs, Howard co. Iowa
February 5, 1920

Notice of Appointment of Executor
Estate of Margaret Griffith, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the subscriber has been duly appointed Executor to the Estate of Margaret Griffith late of Lime Springs in the county of Howard, State of Iowa, deceased, intestate, and has taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds as the law directs. All persons having demands upon the Estate of said deceased are required to exhibit the same; and persons indebted to the said Estate are called upon to make payment to D.H. Thomas, Executor.

Hawkeye State News - Interesting Items of News Gathered From all Parts of Iowa

The farmers of the vicinity of Moulton have organized a club for the purpose of discussing farm problems. M.A. Hauser was there recently and helped in the organization work. 27 men were present at the first meeting and more than fifty turned out for the second session.

The corn contest which has been carried on in Van Buren county for some time came to a close recently when County Agent A.J. Secor awarded the prizes to the winners. The first prize was won by Wm. Lang and he received $15.00 in gold. Second prize went to J.I. Davis and third prize to Jacob Anton. There were fifteen entries.

A new hog house, costing $16,000 has recently been built by H.S. Fain, a well known and progressive farmer and breeder of Crawford county, living near Denison. The new building is steam heated, electric lighted and most important part of all, has a ventilating system that completely changes the air in the house every seven minutes. The steam pipes are imbedded in the wood floors which are laid in sections and easily removed for cleaning and sanitation.

Washington - Edwin T. Meredith of Iowa, editor of Successful Farming, has [been] named secretary of agriculture to succeed David F. Houston, who is to become secretary of the treasury in the place of Carter Glass. Mr. Meredith, who is at Miami, Fla., telegraphed the White House accepting the office. He is 54 years old and his home is in Des Moines. Before starting Successful Farming he was the publisher of the Farmers Tribune. He was a candidate for the United States Senate in 1914 and for governor of Iowa in 1916.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2007]



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