Iowa Old Press

The Sun-Herald
Lime Springs, Howard co. Iowa
February 17, 1916

A.P. Anderson received the sad news of the death of his mother in Denmark.

Glenn Farrar arrived Tuesday from Dakota for a visit with his father, W.H. Farrar.

Mrs. Theodore Hauck returned home from Postville Saturday from a visit with her brother.

Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Dunlap and little grandson went to Corwith, Iowa Saturday, called by the death of their son's child.

Henry Whitford and son Guy from Volga transacted business here last week, having bought the John Ruesink farm. Mr. Whitford is a son-in-law of F. Sanborn.

Winterset - The jury which will hear the case against Mrs. Ida Meyer, the 60-year-old wealthy pioneer, who is charged with compilcity in the murder of her daughter-in-law last July, has not yet been completed. All but seven of the veniremen have been called and all but three of the twenty peremptory challenges allowed the state. The case is attracting much attention.

P.J. Hess of Chicago has been engaged by the state board of control as manager of the chair factory which is being established at the Fort Madison penitentiary.

The grave of Alexander Scott, the pioneer who gave much of the land on which the state house stands, to the state of Iowa, will probably be marked by an appropriate monument erected by the state. A quit claim deed has been drawn up transferring the property from the city to the state and is awaiting approval by the executive council. The old pioneer's grave is on the highest pint in East Des Moines betweeen Eleventh and Twelfth streets on the south side of Vine street. It is on a small plot of ground 20X16 feet in size. It was one of the claims of Mr. Scott that he could stand at this point and look into three counties. The lot belonged to Lee township and became the property of the city when Lee township was made a part of the city.

The appointment of R.E. Clemens of Burke to succeed J.J. Ross, resigned, as assistant dairy commissioner, has been announced by W.B. Barney, dairy and food commissioner. Mr. Clemens is a buttermaker at Burke.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2007]



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