Iowa Old Press

Salem Weekly
Salem, Henry, Iowa

January 8, 1920

Legion Elects

     The American Legion held its first annual meeting Monday night and elected the following officers: Post Commander, Dr. Stewart; Vice P.C., Glenn Foss; Post Adjutant, Albert Lee; Treasurer, Dowey Pickard; Chaplain and Historian, Howard Burkey; Exec. Com., Ed Frary, Max Barton, Herman Brown, Ivan Rossell, Alva Van Trump. 
     About ten new members were voted in. It was decided to fit up the room over the Foss Brothers picture theater as a club room. Committees were appointed to arrange for an invitation dance January 26th.  

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa


·                    Joe Conrad and wife,  Huge Conrad and wife of Wayland and Joe Mast and wife of Noble visited Sunday at the Mitchell home.

·                    S. C. Wittmer and family and Miss Selina Wittmer of Havre visited at Otto Freys Sunday.

·                    Miss Edith Wenger returned to Burlington Sunday evening to resume her studies at business college.

·                    Mrs. Andrew Rinner is visiting the Henry Rinner home this week.



Submitted by: A.M.W. April 2005 & Mar 2006


Iowa Old Press
Henry County