Iowa Old Press

Salem Weekly
Salem, Henry, Iowa

February 12, 1920 

     Last Tuesday evening a company of friends went to the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ingrim and surprised Mr. Ingrim, it being his seventy-fifth birthday. Music on the Brunswick and a general good time was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Simpkin, on behalf of the crowd, present Mr. Ingrim with a fountain pen.
     Refreshments consisting of pressed chicken sandwiches, pickles, peaches with whipped cream, doughnuts, and coffee were served. All left at a lat hour wishing Mr. Ingrim many more happy birthdays.

Reading Circle Notes 

     The Circle met in regular session last Friday. Roll call was answered with quotations and anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln. The program was then given, consisting of a paper written by Mrs. Rossel, entitled, “The Biography of Abraham Lincoln” which was very interesting. Lincoln’s favorite poem, “O, Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud?” was nicely given by Mrs. Tomes. Mrs. Shriner recited some beautiful lines, “Addressed to a Statue of Lincoln”.
     This meeting was of special interest and many thoughts for reflection were exchanged in the discussion following the program. Adjourned to meet again February 29th.

Submitted by: A.M.W. April 2005


Iowa Old Press
Henry County