Iowa Old Press

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
May 11, 1910


Dr. E. C. Allen has bought the Wideman harness shop building and one can hear rumors and more rumors as to what will be done in a business way. The building is a good one, well located, and we call it a good investment.

C. A. Sodergren has purchased the blacksmith shop of C. Rhum, and engaged George Hawkins, a first class blacksmith, and is prepared to do your work. The blacksmith shop is under the same roof as the wagon shop and the two will be run in connection. We call special attention to Mr. Sodergren’s ad in this paper. You all know him and you know his word is good and you can rely upon what he says. Give him a trial in his new business.

There were a large number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark last Sunday to jolly them over the new girl at their house. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Christ Wery, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Christ S. Roth, Mrs. J. Vansant, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schantz, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roth, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark. Clyde has a pretty nice dish washer just the same.


The junior class assisted by the Misses Pearl Siverly and Maxie Martin, entertained the seniors and Mrs. And Mrs. Brown at the home of Mr. E. H. Cumings on Thursday evening, May 5, at eight o’clock. The house was decorated in the colors of both classes. Various games were played and refreshments were served.


Pineapple Whip Nabiscos, Mineral Water

Pressed Chicken Sandwiches, Deviled Eggs, Olives, Jelly

Erick Ice Cream Cake and Chocolate Mints

Seniors: Clair Sodergren, Baja Wenger, Frank Clark, Inez Allen, Cloyce Messenger, Edith Funk, Eda Allen, Leola Wyse

Juniors:” Allen Wenger, Nita Henderson, Walter Henss, Mildred Zingg, Ray McClintic, Ora Cummings, Ethan Brooks, Mabel Luellen, Jesse Peck, Idella Correy.

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
May 25, 1910


Son born to Mr. and Mrs. John Ricks of Coppock the 18th, the day the earth passed through the tail of the comet.

A program is being prepared for Children’s Day at the Mennonite Church sometime next month.

Mr. John Bigham drove up to Washington to spend the day in that city transacting business.

Sam Conrad with a ford of men and teams filled in the big concrete culvert just west of the Sommer school house.

Mr. George Shanner and family of Wayne neighborhood. Visited at the Peter Wittrig home north of town Sunday.

Graber Brothers, the Stringtown carpenters, are building an addition to Daniel Graber’s barn where John Orendorff resides.

Ed. E. Eicher sawed wood for several of “us” farmers north of town the past week. He has an outfit that runs and runs right.

Ed Rinner is making preparations to build on his father’s 80 east of town. He had a force of men at work putting in foundations this past week.

Submitted by: A.M.W. May 2004


Iowa Old Press
Henry County