Iowa Old Press

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
October 27, 1909


Mrs. Clara Allebach and son, Frederick, were passengers for Winfield Saturday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stutzman one day last week, a baby girl of standard weight.

Dr. Cook’s north pole story is suspended this week for want of room. Will be resumed next week.

A baby boy was reported at the home of Will Farmer and wife one day last week. All are doing nicely.

Mrs. Lizzie Lute was given a birthday shower last week on the day after her return from her visiting trip.

Everybody come and have a good time at the E. E. Pie Social at the home of Meno Boshart on Thursday evening.

W. K. Hense cried the George Roth sale over across the river last Wednesday and had a good sale in spite of the bad weather.

Seward Morris and family have gone from Elkhart, Iowa, to Port Angeles, Washington, where they arrived October 14th. He already has a position there.

P. M. Whitmer, the Brighton fruit man, was a caller yesterday, again this morning. Would like to give him a better mention than this, but our space is full.

Will Morris is pictured in the Seattle Post Intellingencer on Bryan day at the Exposition with Hon. W. J. Bryan and the president of the day. Will was one of the special escort and looks as good in the picture as Billy Bryan himself.

Sunday a few friends gathered at hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jessup, the guests being Mr. and Mrs. Parker Evers, Mrs. Katie Jessup, Miss Viola Jessup, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Martin and two sons Merl and LeRoy, and Mr. Ed Wolf and family.

Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. Funk entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Birchall, John Hensley and family and E. H. Cumings and family. The dinner being so elaborate the table fairly groaned with the pressure. All returned to their homes wishing for many more like events.

Miss Mayme Reynolds of Wayland is teaching the Greenwood school in Jackson Township and boards at Joe Short’s. She and Miss Hazel Short were callers at the office Saturday. The family came to town in a Mitchell automobile and the hitch rack proposition did not bother them. - Free Press.


A few young men entertained at the Wayland Opera House last Thursday evening in honor of the Misses Edna Hart, Katherine Miller, and Thelma Bonnett. Those present besides the guests of honor were the Misses Pearl Siverly, Zetta Henss, Stella Wenger, Mae Allen, Nellie Brooks, Florence Jones, Jennie Green, Grace McConnaughey, Edith Allen, Lydia Neff, Ida Peck, Maxine Martin, Messers Alfred Keith, James Troutman, Ben Neff, W.E. Boller, Lester Henss, Dr. O. F. Boller, Arthur Henss, Henderson Brooks, Pete Widmer. After spending a few hours in different amusements at the opera house, the guests were escorted to the restaurant of A. W. Wenger where an elegant four course supper was served.

Submitted by: A.M.W. May 2004


Iowa Old Press
Henry County