Iowa Old Press

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
December 1, 1909


Miss Frances Jones and her brother Harold of Richland stopped off here on their way home from Winfield Friday and visited over Sunday with their aunt, Mr. E. V. Matthews.

Mrs. Jessie Conners and Rosa Noble visited friends here. They were at Mary Jarrad’s Wednesday night, at Clyde Troutman’s Thanksgiving, and at Joe Zingg’s, Thanksgiving night.

John Wenger has bought the old Lathrop farm now occupied by James Moothart, 86 acres, 3 miles south of Washington on the Washington road. We understand this is a fine little farm.

Washington Journal: Mr. and Mrs. P. Schowalter and son, Glenn, arrived early this morning on the Milwaukee from a two month visit with relatives in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas, and will visit for a short time in the Kleese home before going to their home at Wayland.

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
December 29, 1909


Richland Clarion: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Eicher are over at Packwood for a couple of weeks, making arrangements to leave this part of the country. They have sold their residence property and are going to move out west. They will leave here about the first of the year and take up their residence at Lincoln, Nebraska.


Submitted by: A.M.W. May 2004


Iowa Old Press
Henry County