Iowa Old Press

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
June 10, 1908

This and That

Spring Creek News 

Mr. John Mann and family were in Fairfield Tuesday. 

Mr. Ira Sanders was a Brighton visitor Saturday night. 

Miss Emma Zilman closed a very successful term of school Friday. 

The rivers has been out over all the low bottom the past few days.‘

Miss Bertha Shafer is home from Fairfield where she has been teaching. 

Miss Mary Zilman was a visitor at the Statler home near Wayland last week.  

Quite a number from here attended the Children’s exercises Sunday night at Cottonwood. 

The Misses Bertha and Ada Shafer, Emma, Pete, and Jake Zilman, Vern and Jim Singleton and Bert Hill were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. George Mann’s Wednesday night. 


Jonathan Conrad is visiting relatives in Fulton County, Ohio. 

Simon Graber was a business visitor in Washington, Monday. 

The flood Saturday afternoon took away a lot of the sidewalks on Main Street. 

Miss Effie Leeper closed her spring term of school at Sunny Dale Friday. 

Mrs. Jacob Furer has been on the sick list the past week but is better at this writing. 

Louie Gerig, formerly of this neighborhood, was drowned near Burlington Sunday. 

Clarence Moore was up from Woolson Sunday for reasons known better to himself than anyone else. 

Jake Wenger and Jasper Allen of Wayland were passengers from this point Monday evening for Chicago. 

Miss Aea (Asa??)gave a party to a lot of her friends Friday evening at the Isaac Conrad home northwest of town. 

Louis Rinner took his sister, Stella, to Mt. Pleasant Sunday where she will attend the Henry County institute this week. 

Frank Taylor of Washington and Miss Blanche Neiswanger of Crawfordsville were visitors at the J. S. Roth home Sunday evening. 


School closed here last week. 

Mr. Thos. Turner visited Sunday at Shaffers near Merrimac. 

Mr. Simon was in Wayland on business on day last week. 

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Dold and Bertha and Cyntha (Cynthia??) Hooten of Marsh spent Sunday in Coppock. 

Quite a number of young people from here attended the Children’s Day exercises at Cottonwood Sunday evening. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cornic and little child Cleo of Marsh visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weaver. 

The seven o’clock passenger on the Burlington railroad was delayed here on account of a bridge near Noble being washed out. 

Misses Rosena and Jessie Kneer and Charlie Kneer of near Trenton (Knerr???) visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Miller. 


William McBeth was a business caller in Mt. Pleasant Saturday. 

Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffrey were called to Fairfield Saturday by the death of Mrs. Jeffries’ brother, Mr. Roberts. 

Mr. Henry Burkey purchased a $1000 Jack of the Becwith Brothers which is one of the finest animals in the country. 

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ross were called to Ottumwa Saturday by the serious illness of Mrs. Ross’ sister who lives there. 

Mr. William Hawn and son Johnnie returned Saturday from a visit with Mr. Hawn’s sister who lives in Octavia, Iowa. 

A number from this neighborhood are planning to take in the Chutauqua which is to be held in Mt. Pleasant some time in July. 

Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Day drove over to Mt. Pleasant Saturday to meet Mrs. Day’s mother, Mrs. Theodore Twinting of Pasadena California, who expects to spend the summer here. 

The many friends and relatives here of Mr. David Roth living in Fairfield, Iowa, were pained to learn of his misfortune in the loss of his wife and daughter who were killed in a runaway accident in Fairfield last week. Mr. Ross has many friends and relatives here who are very anxious concerning his condition and has two sisters here, Mrs. Sam Carper and Mrs. John Lyons. 

Thursday at him home south of Merrimac, occurred the death of Mr. Kelsher, an old and highly respected citizen. He had been enjoying his usual good health although past his 85 years, until last Wednesday evening when he had a stroke of apoplexy from which he didn’t regain consciousness, dying Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. Mr. Kelsher is survived by an aged wife, two sons, and four daughters who in their affliction have the sympathy of the entire community.


Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
June 22, 1908

This and That


·                    Frank E. Roth left last Thursday night for Creston Montana.

·                    Jacob Roth and Miss Maggie Eicher came home from Washington Monday evening.

·                    I always have a complete line of rubbers and rubber boots at the right prices. John Wenger.

·                    From now until sold we will give 20 percent discount on all summer dress goods. Keith & Roth.

·                    Best mixed paints to close out only $1.30 p;er gallon. F. J. Conrad.

·                    J. G. Fye pitched for the Ollie ball team in a game with the Richland team at Richland last Thursday. Score 4 to 0 in favor of Richland.

·                    C. S. Griffith died at the home of Eli Klopfenstein near Trenton Monday from tuberculosis of the lungs and bowels. He was 46 years old and survived by three children.

Submitted by: A.M.W. Aug 2004

Iowa Old Press
Henry County